Arguello by decision... I think Hamed runs and turns full on negative after taking a few hard ones, even if he buzzes Alexis early ... Arguello was never nonplussed by lefties and I think he’d pump the jab at him just as effectively as Barrera did
I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt Hamed sees the final bell against Arguello. Just far too many holes in his D... and Hamed's chin was decent... but he never got with anything remotely close to Arguello's power. I think Arguello knocks him senseless inside of 10.
I never saw Hamed actually anywhere near being stopped... knocked over because of his retarded technique, sure but legitimately hurt? Hardly ever and never once in a way where I thought he was in any genuine danger (and I used to practically pray he’d get KOd) Same thing here... he’d get “rocked” a few times in comical fashion but actually finished off? Naaah... he would be too busy holding, wrestling, spoiling
This is a cruel proposition. Arguello might had end up being arrested after the bout. Keep in mind that Arguello almost annihilated legendary Ruben Olivares. Hamed would have been a walk in the park for El Flaco Explosivo.
He was winning the rounds. Hamed was visibly hurt against Barrera at one point. But to your point, when he was kncocked down (e.g. against Augie Sanchez) he recovered well.
Yeah, but he was being steadily broken down. Moreover, Olivares is better than any opponent Naz faced and I doubt Hamed beats Olivares.
I can see that for sure. It's not like i would bet the house on Naz lasting the distance but it's not just about being outclassed and facing a puncher. Shit tactics can allow a guy to hear the final bell. I know they're not the same guy but a faded Camacho managed to last the distance against De La Hoya and Trinidad by combing holding with running.
Most of Hamed's knockdowns were due to balance. He did admit in retirement that he was hurt bad by the first round knockdown against Kelley, which is surprising, but maybe he was just good at hiding it.