Tyson was throwing those combinations when Rich Giachetti was on the pads back in 1999, and he (Giachetti) was saying the same thing about ´speed, power, amazing´, etc. Then... Lewis (´02), Williams (´04), McBride (´05)....
When i watch boxing clips on yt i do my best to avoid the comments. Even most of the dumbest posters on boxing message boards seem like scholars compared to the imbeciles there.
Mike should fight John Fury if he feels like having some fun. He recently claimed he'd beat any man his age alive, he's father of the heavyweight champ he himself named after Mike, he talks a better game than Abe Lincoln - the thing sells itself. Seriously i'd order that ppv
Hate to say it, cause I'm a huge Tyson fight, but he never was as good as he looked on the pads and in training (even though he was still fucking amazing)
To Be FAIR, Let's Give Mike a Month or So w/Kevin Rooney 1st, Before Completely Disregarding the YouTube Comments... REED
The SOUND of Mike Hitting the Mitts, Coupled w/his Handspeed Is What Is STILL Amazing to This Very Day... If You Closed Your Eyes, You'd Think a Motherfucker was Hitting Mitts w/a Baseball Bat!...A Testament to How HARD Mike Punches... REED
Another awesome Tyson video. Mike Tyson’s Instagram post: “Anything is possible when you are smart about it. Train Smart. Recover Smarter. @smartcups #SmartCups #baddestmanontheplanet…”
Don't be Turkish as a rock Wilma. It's just a nicely put together nicely edited clip probably sped up too aimed at these social media idiots with intent to sell some product I'm sure.
Lou Savarese has been posting he will fight a drug free Tyson again. Anyone wanting to try him can find him at the Main Gym in Houston and/or at Savarese Fight Fit in Rice Village. He says he can go 10 rounds right now.
lousavarese Almost every fighter has suffered a loss. Part of the game. Just want a fair shake. When opponent is on coke before fight not fair. Tyson is one of the greatest. I want a fair fight ! lousavarese Would love to do a rematch give money to charity. Even playing this time! No PEDs
First big right hand Mike eats his legs will drain and he will be looking for a way out. He didn't have it in Memphis in 2002 and he sure as fuck doesn't have it now 18 years on.
Yeah, I'd like to see that. Old lardy dad living through his sons achievements with his 7% KO ratio and 1 round loss to Akinwande.......... vs Mike Tyson.
Not sure Tyson didn't have any legs when he was younger. Tyson v Ruddock I and II he got hit plenty...