I posed the question on another forum, and opinions varied. Who would you say are the top 5 greatest Latin fighters of all time? I mean, outside of #1, as Duran is the consensus greatest. 2-5 is difficult. You got Jofre, Chavez, Ortiz, Monzon, Gavilan, Arguello, Napoles, Olivares, Sanchez, Pascual Perez, Gomez, Pedroza, Saldivar, Marquez, Rodriguez, Zarate, Benitez, Cervantes. It's tough.
That's a respectable list. I think I went: Duran Jofre Monzon Chavez Ortiz But I think I'd change my mind and swap Ortiz for Napoles.
Black Beauty would have had Canelo at 1. And sadly, I'm probably not exaggerating. Sly thought Duran was an inconsistent fighter. Despite the fact that he was 71-1 coming into the Leonard fight. Such a hot and cold fighter, that Duran...
I loved Bazooka but he got an undeserved gift when he got his rear end kicked by Rocky Lockridge - same reason(s) I could not put Chavez up there, either.
Bazooka was shot to Hell in the Lockridge fight. He was coming off not only a brutal beating at the hands of Nelson, but a brutal win over Pintor. Gomez was phenomenal at 122 pre-Sanchez.
So two all time great fighters aren't on your list simply because they benefited from some questionable decisions, but Canelo who has a number of those on his record is already top 10 of all time. Interesting logic.
You are fixing to disappear, another "Ignored Member" at the bottom of the page whenever you try to respond and there is nothing and they all look like asses because they are embarrassed typing to themselves and then try to cover it up here as I don't see it and there is never a response from me.If you don't agree with what I type type your own list, move on. If you try to get personal or type a smart ass remark - you are gonna go. Behave and there won't be an issue with me.
because i questioned the reasoning in your post? You do realize this is a discussion forum yah? Do you defend your reasoning, or clarify it? Nah instead you immediately go into "i'll put you in ignore". A couple more things: 1) I did post my own list 2) I never got "personal"
This is a good thread despite some idiot's attempts at hijacking it. If you folks stay on topic this will really be good.
I think it's a fair point to highlight the fact that you should be consistent in your criteria for rating fighters. If you hold gift decisions and favouritism against a particular boxer, then Canelo should be heavily penalised too. Also, it's a strange point of view to hold that the person you put on ignore is going to be embarrassed or negatively affected in any way. Everyone else will see their posts towards you, and it could well be that you will the one blindly typing away, completely unaware that the arguments that you think you are making are being taken apart by a poster you can't see. It seems a bit pointless to be honest - like a toddler having a tantrum.
Its a good question: there are just so many guys you could make a case for, in almost any order First from-the-hip thought: 1) Duran 2) monzon 3) Napoles 4) Jofre 5) Sanchez
I thought about ranking him, but the questionable level of opposition and the schooling he got from Whitaker kept him out of the top-5, just
Anyway, here's my list: 1. Duran 2. Jofre 3. Monzon 4. Napoles 5. Ortiz I actually changed it from yesterday. Think this is the one I'll stick with. Five who just barely missed: Chavez, Gavilan, Arguello, Sanchez, and Saldivar.
My personal opinion is:. 1. Theres no logical argument for anyone else but Duran at 1. He's the consensus Latin GOAT for very good reason. No one else on the list can match his peak, and match his accomplishments. 2. I feel like Monzon, and Jofre should be a given on any lists. They dont necessarily have to be 2 & 3, but they should be somewhere in the top 5. ANY of the other greats are interchangeable in the other two slots.
And Karl, do you mean that Canelo ranks top 10 among Mexican fighters? Or Latin fighters period??????? Cause if it's the latter... huh?????
Mexican - I used Chavez as an example and I was going with that. I will say regarding Duran that's not even an argument between him and Monzon, it's a slam dunk - for Carlos. Duran Lost at his best, Carlos never did, and Duran didn't just lose, he got beaten up and beaten in every phase of the art. There was a guy who knew a lot about boxing that said Duran wasn't a lightweight for the first fight with DeJesus, well - that should have made him all the more better as he didn't have to cut weight back when it was same morning/afternoon weigh ins of the fight.