Watched this fight again. I thiught Vazquez beat him. Maybe he loses because of the two point deductions. But Vazquez controlled that fight.
No Shit Sherlock... Boxing is a World of Jabs, Hooks, Straights, Crosses, Uppercuts and the Occasional Doubling/Tripling of Such...There's Fast Punches, Volume Punches, Counter Punches, Effective Punches, Lead Punches, Hard Punches, etc... Yet, w/a Multitude of Available Options to SPECIFY What You Meant, You Couldn't Have Been More VAGUE..."Better Punches"... Fuuuuurther Evidence Why Yours are Among the LEAST Respected Boxing Opinions @ Fightbeat... REED
No, Your DUMBASS Said You "Thought Vazquez Beat Him" and "Landed the Better Punches" w/Out ELABORATING In the Least on WHY You Actually Felt That Way... Part of STARTING a Thread is Being Prepared to DEFEND Your Position w/Something Substantive,Optimally...Otherwise, WHY Fucking Bother???... Nonetheless, YOUR Rationale is Exclusively Predicated on "Better" Punches, w/LESS Than Zero Clarification OR Qualification on WHAT That Means to You, Exactly... Bottom Line, If You're Compelled to START a Thread, Is it Asking Toooooooooooooo MUCH for You to EXPOUND On the Lame Ass Point You're Trying to Make???... REED
When the Premise of Your Argument is "Fighter A Won Because he Landed the 'BETTER' Punches", in a CLOSELY Contested Fight, that Most Certainly Warrants an Explanation... There's Countless Ways to SPECIFY What "Better Punches" Means (Please Refer to REED's "No Shit Sherlock" Response to Doub), Yet Here we Are, 2 Days AFTER the Thread was Started, and we're No Fucking Closer to Clarifying What "Better Punches" Even Means... Can YOU Define "Better Punches"???...If So, Please Feel Free to Elaborate, Since Doub is Incapable of Such... REED
This is the dumbest thing and you always say it what’s he supposed to “do” about it, you fucking imbecile?