Charlie is pretty awesome. If he fights Briggs this will only add to his legacy. Whether the fights are bullshit or not 330-0 is still crazy.
Briggs isn't a complete dope like Wilder. Sure he stalked Wlad, but he's not gonna waste his time with a punk kid and get himself sued. Like he said, he'll get a younger, smaller dude to fuck Charlie up.
One day Zelenoff is gonna piss off a boxer who's James Butler-like sick in the head, and he's gonna get himself killed. Briggs isn't that kind of guy. Shannon is generally known as a nice, approachable dude who's very good to fans. I attribute anytime Briggs has acted crazy to roid rage more than anything. I wonder if Briggs has scaled down on the juice, cause he seems like more of a mellowed out family man these days. He's got a nice lookin wife from watching that vid, and she's probably keeping him grounded. But one of these young dudes with nothing to lose and nothing to look forward to is gonna kill Zelenoff.