As BIG of an Advocate as REED is for Women's Rights/Sports/Boxing, THIS Shit Here was Straight Up Disgraceful... Adkins, or Whatever the Fuck Her Name Was, Walked Out as if THE LAST Thought On Her Mind was Having Punches Literally THROWN @ Her...She Brought a Toothpick to a Gun Fight and Could Have Been PERMANENTLY Injured... Shame on DAZN for Televising this Bullshit & Whoever WATCHED Footage of Adkins and Deemed Her FIT for Subscription Television Should Be FIRED Forthwith!!!... REED
I remember a quicker KO a few years ago. It could have been up to a decade ago. Two black fighters. The bell rang and one guy came out with the intention of touching gloves but the opponent landed a left hook and he was knocked out cold. It was actually covered on the news also, i remember seeing a clip from a news broadcast. It must have been quicker than this fight. Can anyone recall the fight I'm talking about? I have been looking for it for some time.
He did not take a dive. He was out. It could have been a right hook from the southpaw stance. Not sure
I remember that. Also, in Thunder vs Grimsley the KO was faster than here, but since the ref counted full 10, the fight in fact lasted longer. Not sure about your example
I remember it too. I just can't find many details. Most glove-touching scumbaggery seems to be MMA related.