Really underrated featherweight champion from the early 90s. Dominated a faded, although still quality Antonio Esparragoza to take the title, and also battered the quality Eloy Rojas in their first fight. A crude, but tough as nails mauler/pressure fighter who was essentially a bigger, but less talented version of Sung Kil Moon. Here's the Esparragoza fight: The Rojas fight:
@roughdiamond your opinion on Park? BTW - although his performance against Esparragoza was very impressive, I'll admit that he probably wouldn't have beaten the Esparragoza from the Stevie Cruz fight.
It's like you said, he's a bigger but inferior version of Moon, from what I've glimpsed here. I don't know much on Koreans outside of Chang, Yuh, Park and Hong. FighterInTheWind from ESB would know and could give you an almost insider breakdown - he was fantastically informed on everything Korean related but unfortunately doesn't post much. It was him that informed me Chang had a foot injury prior to the first Zapata bout.
Hong was a quality pressure fighter. Beat up Arnold Taylor to win the bantamweight crown, but then ran into Zamora (who leveled him with a body shot).
That was a crazy scene. And the cops yank the poor guy out by his neck and body slam him, and the telecast goes on like nothing happened. Ahhhh, the 70s.
I really like Park. I made a thread on ESB. Unlike Moon, he seemed to lack that unique sense of distance and timing. He was just a crude brawler, with an unbreakable will and unending stamina. He just wouldn't stop throwing until someone fell over. Moon had some subtleties with his set up from his amateur days. Park vs Fenech would've been a bit one-sided, but it still might have been one of the best fights that ever happened at 126. The fight I really wish happened was Park-Kelley though. Not seen much Hong. Outside of the Taylor, Kasahara & Hector Carrasquilla fights. Is the Zamora fight good? I feel like that's a good match up.