it's a great match... Griffith is an easy mark for no one... There is no welterweight I would ever pick to beat him in convincing fashion... To me this is a pick-em, assuming Duran is on... if Duran is in who cares mode, he's getting outhustled and pretty much beat up
Great fight. I more or less have it 50-50 on their best nights at WW, but Griffith wins at 154 going away.
I think Griffith's jab, footwork, and boxing ability would be the deciding factors in an otherwise very evenly matched fight.
Griffith is likely just a bad matchup for Duran full stop. Even at Welter. The main reason being his strength in a tie up. Duran would be outgunned physically. And, Griffith was an expert at nullifying an opponent’s offense in close quarters. He sapped the opposition’s energy level, which brought their pace to his comfort level. Dull but extremely effective.
Depends on how we look at it. If Duran applies the same mental torture that he used on Leonard to Griffith, he wins a great, great brawl. Emile would fight him like he fought Paret. If it's just the two at their best, looking at styles in a vacuum - without considering any pre-fight antics - Griffith is awful for Duran. Too strong and tough.