garcia looked flat, fat and puzzled. bad stylistic matchup for him to take at this point coming off a long ass layoff.
trying to think of the logic behind the matchmaking. either they thought the guy wasnt shit, or they picked him as preparation for taylor? he's left handed, thats about the only similarity to prograis so it couldnt be that angle.
In the Spence fight Mikey was fist pumping to the crowd after every round he lost and he did the same tonight. Weird guys him and Robert Garcia
just realizing how boring garcia is. watched his fight with concepcion earlier and his fight tonight...both were tedious
Yes I commented on this a long time ago. Nothing sadder than wasted talent. I love the Garcia family they seem like stand up guys from Robert, to Mikey and Big G but they that whole gym have a loser mentality. If Mikey spent more time training and fighting and less time doing interviews with ellie and rainbow he would have been a world champ again. No hunger just a lazy double minded fighter. I don't even care about Mikey just pissed his talent away.
I always found Mikey a little overrated. This isn't at all some spur of the moment thing because he lost tonight. The forum knows that I've always considered Mikey overrated. No, I'm not saying he wasn't a very good fighter in his prime, he was. But his talent was overblown IMO. Some people hyped Mikey's talent like he was Chavez or Sanchez. His opposition was ALWAYS shit. Specifically, I can recall arguing with Terp, probably around circa 2016, because he had said Mikey would have beaten a prime Tszyu. It was one of the first times I had to defend Tszyu, as Kostya would have beaten the ever living fuck outta Mikey.
garcia never loved boxing and i think his dedication as far as staying in the gym during his layoff was overblown. that aside, nothing beats activity. it takes special guys to be sharp without actually taking punches with smaller gloves and no head gear. garcia didnt look in great shape either. his best weight at this point is not welter
You hit the nail on the head. He was a good fighter in his prime just not disciplined or dedicated to the sport. You have gym rats like Mayweather, Hopkins and Canelo who stay ready year round. Mike was always dabbling in other things like being a cop, investing in real estate and hanging out with Ellie at the Robert Garcia gym just shooting the shit. With a 20 month lay off I'm not surprised he lost to Dusty Trunks or whatever his name is.
He looked soft around the middle at 140, yet alone 147. He should have stayed at lightweight. Seems his true peak would have been at lightweight, but now we'll never know. At this point, he should just retire. Pac is gone, so there's no more potential paydays out there for him, and he would get badly badly hurt by the young guns like Boots and Vergil.
If he had the discipline to stay at 135 for his career he could have done good things. His power was very legit at that weight class.
Not a close fight and the two judges who scored it 97-93 were on the money in my opinion. Awful performance by Garcia who looked out of shape, slow and one-dimensional. Totally inept in terms of offensive footwork - it's not like he had all that many shots coming at him to worry about as he made his way in, but he still couldn't position Martin where he wanted him. No angles, no switch up, no head movement. Martin must not have believed his luck. He barely had to get out of first gear to build up a big lead. The fight came to life a little more (not that that's saying much) rounds 8-10 when Martin finally realised he could throw a few more combinations and take a couple more risks. Never really been a fan of Mikey but even I was a little surprised how trash he looked here. His career has stalled pretty horrendously over the past five or six years, but like plenty of others I was always a little sceptical about his achievements below 135 because he was a huge weight cutter and bully, and his opposition (despite being decent 'names') were often a good fit for him. He didn't look in good shape at all last night and I agree with others, a longer tenure at 135 might have given a better indication of his true abilities. I doubt he can get back there, though, or would even be willing to.
We'll forever wonder how a Loma vs Mikey matchup would have gone. It's possible Mikey would have won, but I'm sure. At no point was Mikey as physically talented as Fimo. I suspect Loma probably would have outboxed Mikey.
I tend to think Mikey was very well schooled, with decent athleticism and a good chin. While I agree he isn't as talented as Teo, I think he was more skilled in a conventional manner. I do think his style and size would've been enough to beat Loma at 135. However, I've since changed my mind about him beating Taylor and Prograis at 140.
Yeah, he would have never beaten Taylor and Prograis. They're too big and strong. I remember saying after Regis smashed Indongo that he would likely beat Mikey, and no one agreed with me. We would make a very, very, very long list of all the junior welters through the years that would beat Mikey. He wasn't impressive at 140.
I used to think the three of them were on a similar level, with styles being the decider between them. I used to think Mikey was bad for Taylor in the same way he was bad for Loma - stinging puncher, great right-hand, good movement; perfect for a southpaw. And in the same vein, I thought being orthodox and having that movement would've been good vs Regis, who IMO, has never looked as comfortable on the front foot as he does countering. Now we know Taylor is better than Regis, but not by much, and both are better than Mikey. I suppose the general idea was Mikey was the best of the three, and far above Prograis, with Taylor somewhere in between. All been corrected now, though.
Yeah, the feeling at the time was that Mikey was the best at 140. Granted, that's only because Bud had just moved up. What's really crazy is, there were a percentage of fans who thought Mikey would beat Crawford. It always seemed very apparent to me that Bud would beat the brakes off of Mikey, but like I said, Mikey's talent was always a bit overblown.
You can usually criticize Bud's mediocre resume, but Crawford has a better resume than Mikey, which let's you know how weak Mikey's comp was.
THE DUMBEST thing I ever heard in my life, I remember Kelly Pavlik once said in an interview that Mikey has a better footwork than Whitaker. Need I say more about the man being overrated?
Mikey's a good dude though. Can't say anything bad about him on a personal level, because he comes across as a humble, down to Earth cat who makes time for his fans. He needs to retire if he's only 60% about boxing, or else he's gonna get hurt.
Knowing the style of fighters Doub jocks (limited Mexicans), my guess is that he thinks Salido was a helluva lot better than he really was.