I’m not sure I’d agree about winning it all in 00’ with another good 2 guard, although I agree that Kobe hadn’t fully developed into a elite player yet. He went from a very good player in 99-00 to an elite one in 00-01. But the Lakers almost choked away in the WCF to Portland. Kobe had a very good game 7, and made some big shots & defensive plays in that 4th quarter, so they needed him to come up big in that game in order to get to the finals. Portland should have won regardless, because despite the Lakers stepping it up in the 4th quarter, it was also a case of Portland just missing too many open shots. In 01’, Kobe’s game 4 against Sacramento and game 1 against San Antonio is maybe his best 2 game stretch ever. In fact, his game 1 against the Spurs was probably his best postseason game ever and one of his greatest games period. He was scoring every which way possible against a top defensive team. He may have been the #2 guy during the 3-peat, but it was an extremely strong #2, and he was the best player during the 01’ and 02’ series against the Spurs. A lot of casuals may overrate him, but he was a great regardless, and a level above Pierce.
Isiah Thomas or Isaiah Thomas? I mean they’re both ridiculous but at least Isiah is one of the greats and was the 2nd best PG of the 80s behind Magic. Lebron is at worst the 2nd greatest player I’ve seen in my lifetime.
Detroit Thomas not Brinks truck Thomas. Delusional either choice but one is far more egregious than the other.
Yeah Bron starting to look like he’s into the Kyrie Irving version of a basketball career. In other words get paid as much as possible to play basketball while actually playing it as little as possible.
I didn't think in my mind James Dolan would stop the game when Curry broke the 3-point record but he did
I keep hearing how the Lakers bad season is either Russ’ fault or the coaches fault. Why is nobody giving Anthony Davis the kind of criticism he should be getting? Isn’t this guy supposed to be on the same level as Durant, Gianis, Jokic and Curry? He’s out there just floating like he’s a rookie or some shit. I never did care much for AD but Laker fans should be furious, and yet, mostly crickets.
Russ is the Easy Target for LAZY Ass Hoop Fans...Same People That Bitch About His Decision Making or Shot Selection DIDN'T Say Shit About His Game Winning ASSIST vs. the Mav's Last Night... Bron Literally MISSED More Than Half of the Lakers 1st 20+ Games Also, But Yeah, BLAME RUSS!!! REED's No AD Fan Either; Dude is SOFTER Than Baby Shit... ALLEGEDLY, He's Averaging 24 and 10...REED Says "Allegedly" Because the Numerous Time He's Watched the Lakers This Season, AD's Had 24 and 10 MAYBE Twice...He Must Be KILLING it During Non-Nationally Televised Games... REED
Yeah it’s been the same thing with me. Supposedly he was number one in points in the paint but I swear every time I watch the Lakers—which admittedly isn’t often—it seems like he’s just coasting. I did hear on a podcast though that his midrange and three point shooting has fallen off a cliff.
streeet clothes got hurt again. writhing in pain in the tunnel in the high lights i saw. in other news IRVING is back, bitches!
What Makes the Tunnel Episode WORSE Is the Team Doctor's Later Revealed They Found NATHAN Structurally Wrong w/Davis' Leg... The WAY Dude Fell Into His Leg was Potentially BAD, But it's Pretty Clear Davis PANICS In the Moment....Every Single Nick, Scrape or Bruise is Treated as the Most Excruciatingly PAINFUL Moment of AD's Life... He Has NO Capacity for Ignoring, Blocking Out or Playing THRU Pain...1nce He BELEIVES He's Hurt, AD's Toast for That Day...And it Damn Sure Didn't Help that Kat Townes was Kicking His Ass Either... REED
Been listening to some NBA pods and a couple guys have attributed AD’s bad play to the fact he’s put on too much muscle. They think it has put him in a position where he isn’t quite strong enough to overpower people and not nimble enough to beat people with speed and quickness either. It seems he’s living somewhere in the middle which is apparently why he’s sucked.
Before the Season Started, Vogel Spoke of How DIFFERENT AD's Body Looked from Season's Prior, But REED Honestly DOESN'T See Much of One... REED
Same here. I never particularly noticed he was that much bigger. I kind of believe it though. Has to be some explanation for how lackadaisical he’s been.
Interested to See What Kyrie Does VACCINATION Wise, If/When Brooklyn Potentially Has a Game 7 @ Home OR, if They Have to Play GS in the NBA Finals... REED
I am seeing everyone say he can play in all road games except MSG or toronto. no mention of california preventing him from playing. as far as i know unvaccinated NFL players from opposing teams can play at Sofi stadium. so that wouldnt affect his potential availability vs GS or the lakers road games in the finals. the whole thing is a fucking joke, considering NY allows opposing teams unvaccinated guys to play. where is the logic/consistency in that?
There's apparently a clause in that NYC mandate that the Nets could play him in NYC and the max fine would just be $5k after 4 games (he can play the first game without a penalty but a warning)
where is the source of this clause? seems they woulda already done this and just paid all the fines. grizzlies in golden state, a must see game assuming all key players are going.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a player’s shooting splits make the headline on the ESPN top NBA stories ticker but that’s exactly what they did with Russell Westbrook. Jeez Laweez, talk about be careful what you ask for. All the constant criticism and microscope on his game has absolutely cratered his confidence and you can see in every aspect Russ is just not himself. I think he’s really in his own head and I’ll bet this is a miserable season for him. I also don’t see anyway this gets better for him. AD is probably thanking his lucky stars Russ showed up because he’s been taking all the heat from this terrible Lakers season.