I knew Mir was gonna get whooped. He's terrible. What horrible stoppage though. If Pulev was an asshole Mir would be in a real bad shape.
Yeah, shocking non stoppage. Pulev even caught him with a full force left hook when he was already out but somehow Mir stayed up. We has a ''koed standing up'' thread not too long and this one is a textbook example. Thecway Mir was wobling back and forth Looked like the ''finish him'' phase of Mortal Combat
Totally irresponsible horseshit. You can bet a dickhead like RAY Merce or James Diets Ouy Toney would have kept hitting him.m, like the validation-needing cunts they are. Fair play to Pulev but he shouldn't be involved in such risible affairs
Cant blame pulev. Supposedly got a million for that farce. And yes, best example.by far of koed while standing up. Funniest part was that pulev was extremely nonchalant the whole fight, acted like he was fighting his 8 yo nephew
It was very unfair to Mir. Mir is not a boxer and they threw him in with a top10? Mir has awful striking by mma standards and he's chinny and old. Can't imagine they expected this to be competitive. It's basically boxing with 8 ounce gloves and more leeway to punch in the clinch.
Mir doesn't have awfull striking by MMA standard. In fact, it was quite good when he was in his prime. He looked awful here though and his obviously far past his best (not that it would have mattered vs a boxer of Pulev ''calibre ).
Its about selling the concept to mongs who believe in BS either way..... "Mirs gonna win, these Eastern Europeans have too much DOG in them.... Arp, Arp Arp." Its about selling the BS. Like Paulie being mauled by McEgger. "this proves.... this proves...." Morons.
What are u talking about. Mir was a decent striker in the ufc/mma. You make it sound like he was Ben Askren.
If he was still alive, I would have asked him just two questions,... 1) and... 2) Are you a real person?
iI like Frank. I suspect he's one of these Jews that likes to stand up for himself. He was on Bannons show the other day giving it large. Good bloke fairly. Needs to look out for his ass now. Can't be eating shots from big men even big doormen like Brat Poo Lev.
He's entitled to scream oppression but frankly refuses? up until a tax anomaly perhaps,......butsaaaa'.... I nid noc kno he god's chosen peeeple?,.. I was as sure as Lebedev blowing a kiss it was Tom Aspinall, local boy - and great white hope for the UFC heavyweight division.
I don't know if he's Jewish. "Mir" sounds a bit Russian. "Frank Mir, born Chaim Rosenstein Miroffsko, died Tuesday after being belted in the head"
"look, look" 2 months later....... ...... " the UFC belt, isn't that what you wanted to sell me, Mr Mir...."???