Same here. All the others MCU heroes got each one a trilogy. Thor is getting a 4th movie, not because his films were the most lucrative (the opposite is the truth), but because they want to introduce Jane Foster's female Thor for the new Marvel phase. I don't see the prospect of her own trilogy of films.
Movie is about as bad as I predicted. They took the joke a minute style seen in flashes in films like Thor Ragnorak and GOTG 2 and ramped it up to level 10. I’m talking nearly a joke in every line of cringe lame dialogue and an average story that seems like a third grader made up. The action sequences were average and at times as bad as the dialogue. On the bright side, Bale’s acting was probably the best thing about this film. His character was kind of average for a main villain though. I didn’t mind bringing in the female Thor seeing as how they gave a good reason and didn’t do the usual move of making all the men morons to boot. My main gripes with this film is terrible dialogue, writing, story and pacing where it felt like anything could happen because of script. The comedic theme was way overused to the point that once you make everything funny, than nothing is. It also detracted from the serious scenes and made the product feel silly like you were watching a children’s film. This might be the worst Marvel Movie I’ve ever seen and it reminds me of the recent failures of the Star Wars franchise which IMO is happening to both companies because they’re not only picking the wrong people to make these movies but giving them free reign to do with them as they please. I believe Marvel has lost its way and will soon start seeing less and less big numbers at the box office. On the other hand this movie is getting above average reviews which tells me the next generation actually finds crap like this entertaining and are the ones who not only enjoy unbalanced crap like this but will support it to the point we’ll get more of the same. How can we expect them to not know it’s a shit movie since shit movies is what they grew up on. 4.5/10
That's about the same kind of reactions I have read about it, with many also calling it the worst MCU movie to date. So I am skipping this one.
Only reason I didn’t skip it is because me and the missus needed something to do on the weekend. Even then it was her wanting to see it more than me and it’s so hard for me to say no to the caramel popcorn they serve at the theaters here in Japan.
My wife and my daughter wanted to watch "Elvis" so I agree to watch that one without any hesitation. They don't share my passion for scifi/action/superheroes movies.
It was okay, but it ran too long for my taste. Loosely based on facts, mostly fiction. Told from the point of view of Elvis manager. One time watch worth.