Interesting debate that Dubblechin over at ESB started about the relative value of a newspaper decision during the No Decision era of the 1910s and 1920s. His view is that they plain and simply shouldn’t count and that newspaper verdicts have no weight and value and that No Decision fights were, in effect, like exhibitions are today. This is specifically in relation to Harry Greb and some of the fights that are claimed to be Ws on his record that came from ND fights. What’s your view?
Just the same as a normal decision win tbh. I do understand though that boxrec isn't the be all and end all and outside research has proven that a few of their counts were wrong - Britton vs Walker I for example - but by large, I just treat them as regular decision wins. It was a different era, with a different method of scoring fights. It's essentially the same as ignoring draws in 60s South America, or disregarding the supplemental scoring in the 50s. Dribble Chin was just up in arms coz he's got a weird dislike for Greb and Langford.
Jel, you might not know this but, we all know how insane Dubblechin is over here. He started with us, long before he posted at ESB. Last debate I had with him, he tried to tell me that Danny Garcia would beat a prime Donald Curry.
I actually don’t think he’s a bad poster, it’s just that when he gets on his high horse he becomes a bit of a boorish twat. Bit like Klompton in that way. I was secretly hoping Klompton would turn up to chime in as I know he’d be diametrically opposed to everything Dubblechin was saying.
No. Think about it like this:- once you're working for somebody a d reliant on them for a wage, you're basically at their mercy when it comes to most things. Say the wrong thing, write the wrong thing, think the wrong thing, you're in real trouble. Eventually, people start rabbitting a narrative out of habit, thinking they're acting independently and free of influence. The flip side of this is that judges can be bought but that usually requires outright corruption and then you're relying on newspapers to point it anyway But no, I don't really trust Sam Deadline to accurately report what truly went down when Gunboat Doyle fought Barbados Lewis all those years ago. It's of indirect value, it's to be taken into consideration but it's not really proof of anything.
The WBU had the best idea. Replace the 10 point Must System with the 20 point Must System. Round winner gets 20, loser gets 19.....
Dubblechin started some long ass topic here arguing that fighters in higher weight classes are simply better cuz they'd kick the smaller guys ass. Henry Akinwande was better than Ricardo Lopez because he would destroy him in a street fight.
Made bigger totals for people to get wrong, easier. Most people can add 9 ,9, 9 faster than 19,19,19.. Start mixing twennies and nineteens and you're just asking for trouble ....
In a sense it's true. Had Charles Zelenov been 6'8 250 he'd have run Wilder out of the gym not vise versa ...