Just in terms pure hand speed. I’ll put 5 Roy Jones Hector Camacho Howard Davis Jr Muhammad Ali Shane Mosley
Roy Jones Jr Meldrick Taylor Hector Camacho Howard Davis Jr Sugar Ray Leonard Sugar Ray Robinson Floyd Patterson Mark Johnson Gary Russell Jr Manny Pacquiao Miguel Canto Ismael Laguna Willie Pep Kid Gavilan Johnny Tapia Midget Wolgast
Pacquiao should be on any list when it comes to handspeed for me. He had stupidly fast hands at the lower weights, and a huge part of his success moving up was that he was able to maintain it without much of a drop off.
This'd probably be my list as well, unless we're talking about literal hand speed in which case you'd probably have to include one of the smaller guys. Maybe pound-for-pound a guy like Patterson could sneak in there. I've always liked seeing Laguna up there on these types of lists too.
With older fighters I'd throw Harada, Rose, Aoki, Sakurai, Mundine Sr, Shibata into the mix to different degrees. Sakurai and Aoki were both blindingly fast, Sakurai especially. Tanabe was very fast too, a very gifted and intriguing what-if fighter. Nobody has mentioned Nunn either.
And even at welterweight he’s up there as far as pure hand speed. Not as fast as Leonard and Mosley obviously, but up there in the mix.
Leonard for sure. Honestly I think Pacquiao is faster than prime Mosley but the difference is minimal enough to be negligible (except in this particular thread where we are literally rating handspeed ).
I think Pac punched faster with combinations but I think as far as single shot speed, Mosley’s right hand was just blinding.
I just don't see it, but I admit it is close. I'd legit like to see a scientific measurement of how long it takes a straight right from prime Mosley vs a straight left from prime Pacquiao to reach its target on a super high fps camera, side by side.
Mosley was faster in general imo. Pac was just a lot more straight and accurate, but for pure speed... Shane from 98-01 has a decent argument for being #5 on this list. I think both are top 10 though.