Frazier and Tyson weren't really stylistic similar. It would be more accurate to call Patterson a poor man's Tyson. Corrales was a poor man's Arguello. Oscar was a VERY poor man's Leonard. Mosley was a very very very poor man's Robinson. Fimo is a destitute, living on the streets begging for change version of Jones
It's interesting to me, because someone asked me the other day who Errol Spence fights like from the past, and I couldn't think of a name. Be they poor man or rich man versions, who would you say from the past most closely resemble these guys? Feel free to add your own: Spence Crawford Ennis Lomachenko Stevenson Tank
You can actually merge this with Boss's thread if you want. I've literally just seen it and the topic is essentially much the same.
Crawford is a poor man's Hagler and Shakur is a poor man's Whitaker. Not sure how to characterize the others.
Ahhh yes, that is in fact more accurate. Trinidad and Zárate. Maybe Vernon Forrest could be a poor man’s Hearns but IMO he didn’t fight like him.
Poor man's floyd is too nice of a compliment... broner is like a homeless' man floyd... and the kind of homeless that doesn't even have a penny in his cup n can't afford cardboard
The accuracy. The propensity for generating devastating power with very short punches. They parried/blocked punches in a similar fashion. Arguello was better at literally everything outside of handspeed, but they were similar fighters.
Roy Jones Jr. a poor man's Tupac. No he was a piss poor rapper the kind of homeless poor that would suck you off for a couple of cheeburgers and thats bieng generous. Ya'll musta forgot!!
I've seen a couple of poo man's Chavez comparisons already but I'm surprised noone mentioned Castillo. He was Chavez former stable mate and sparring partner. Castillo is one the reasons some people think a prime Chavez could have beat Floyd. He was Castillo's mentor and friend. Even wore that signatura red head band in honor of Chavez. They both were fearless with an iron chin and stayed right infront of you the whole fight.
Thought about this thread when I saw this. Fighters similar to each other For me I think the term "poor man's" is a bit harsh. Fighters will choose to imitate a fighter they admire because it suits their own style.
Devin Haney is a poorman's Money Mayweather. I say money because the Pretty Boy Floyd that destroyed Corrales pre hand injuries would have been a blasphemy to compare to feather fisted Haney. But Haney has the same boring slap slap run slip style as Money. Obviously gets hit a lot more and is not on the same level.
FLOYD doesn't RUN....... you might be thinking of Cory Spinks and even him is not a "runner" Camacho was a runner..
If Patterson was a poor man's Tyson, then likewise, I would say that Jose Torres was a poor man's Patterson.
British fight fans will know Lee Haskins. A poor man's Naz. As was Usman Ahmed who tried that shit and got blasted.