What are some of your favorite ring entrances? I thought Mike Tyson's return ring entrance in the Both fight was really intense, especially since it takes place right after his last fight with Holyfield.
Tyson's ring walk for Botha kinda single handedly put DMX's iconic "Intro" on the map. Best intro track in hip hop history imo. RIP X
The most epic/iconic ring entrance I've ever witnessed live. Something about Tyson coming in with Black trunks, black shoes no socks and a terry cloth instead of a robe. And this bad ass DMX song. Brillant.
Too bad he fought like shit and a drunk uncle like Botha was kicking his ass with his one punch combinations. Now if that entrance was followed by the frazier fight or spinks now you're talking ..
I like Hamed’s entrance in the Kevin Kelley fight. Tyson’s entrance in the Lewis fight was really good to the DMX song.
I remember when Riddick Bowe came out for the first Holyfield fight and Al Bernstein said “Riddick is coming out to some tribal music”. But it was Phil Collins “In the Air Tonight” Bowe came out to James Brown’s “Payback” for the third fight, which was a good theme song to play. Naz coming out on that carpet was wild. Favorite Tyson ones: Michael Spinks fight Razor Ruddock rematch, Welcome to the Terrordome
Inoue's ring walk for the Donaire rematch was pretty sick. Had the musician for Battle Without Honor or Humanity (the music from Kill Bill) play for his entrance. Very fitting music for Inoue.
These kind of over the top ring entrances are fun to see. But they better be able to back up all that swag and bravado. This reminds me of the Hamed vs Barrera fight. Prince came in on a flying ring Aladin style and the look on Barreras face was priceless . I Wonder if he was thinking im gonna school you for being an arrogant prick .
Richard Lartey. Starts 25 seconds in. He took a dive here but damn the brother enjoyed that entrance.
Believe it or Not, Roy Used it Prior to Mike...Roy vs Del Valle Preceded Tyson vs. Botha by About 6 Months... 14:20 Mark... Roy was Decked Out in One of the Tuxedo Styled Ring Robes He Made Famous, Asian Broad DJ'ing, 2 Other Asian Broads Dancing, Leading Him to the Ring.... Shit was DOPE!!!... REED
Prince Naseem Hamed Didn't INVENT Boxing Ring Entrances, But He Damn Sure PERFECTED Them... The Magic Carpet vs Bundu, the Low Rider vs Ingle, the Laser Light Show vs. Vazquez, the Kevin Kelley Entrance, Hell, Even the Augie Sanchez Entrance were All Top 10 Caliber... Prince was a Level ABOVE All Others in the Realm of Ring Entrances... REED
VERY Underrated Ring Entrance... Perhaps the ONLY Time Nelly or Cory Spinks Personally Made REED Feel PROUD to Be Born and Raised in St. Louis; it was THAT Dope...& the Crowd's Reaction to Them Says it ALL... REED
Flew Over the Heads of Those That DON'T Reside in Dallas, but Spence's Ringwalk vs. Ugas was Basically an HOMAGE to the City... "Southside Da Realist", by Local Hip Hop Legend, Big Tuck, Who Rhymed Spence to the Ring..No Song SPEAKS to Inner City Life in Dallas, the Swag, the Vibe, the Attitude, the Way Brothers Enunciate, etc., Quite the Way "Southside Da Realist" Does & it's Like 18-20 YEARS Old Now... It's a Dallas ANTHEM, Basically... On the Crowd Reaction Tip, Spence COULDN'T Have Picked a More Fitting Song for a Fight IN Dallas... REED
I always liked Trinidad’s entrance vs De La Hoya. Camacho’s entrance for the Leonard fight was good too.
The Undertaker’s entrance is the greatest wrestling spectacle of all time. People paid money to see the Undertaker make the walk to the ring as “Rest in Peace” played throughout the arena.
It’s a great intro. I also have Stillmatic and Dynasty up there. That was lyrically one of Jay’s best verses IMO
How bout when hamed came out of the rafters on that gold ring before the Barrera fight I was seated right by the aisle where he landed and had a great view of him getting pelted by a full cup of beer