Good fight. Wilder would knock Ruiz out. But Andy seems to do better vs giants. Stout fighters like Ortiz seem to give him problems. So id love to see it but hard to bet against Wilder just punches so damn hard and Andy get caught a lot.
Do you know what Rayo said about Cruz? Appearantly Rayo called out Cruz but Pitbull being the classy guy he is just brushed it off and said he was only focused on his opponent. Then Rayo gets ktfo. Poetic justice .
I don't know...maybe...maybe not. Interesting fight....Six Pack Andy still fights like a fat guy with T-rex arms...
i ordered the fight through fox sports app and was late getting home so i missed the undercard. and apparently, there is no way to rewatch the broadcast. wtf? anyone else run into this?
You didnt miss much. Abner mares looked mediocre, Rayo got smoked. The highlight of the night was Cruz. Such a fun little fighter.
Last Night WASN’T a Good Look for Tank…At All… WHYtheFuck are You Even There if You DON’T Plan On Rematching Cruz???…Made Tank Look a Bit WEAK When He Shook His Head No, as Cruz Asked for a RE… There’s Literally No DIRECTION or PURPOSE to Tank’s Career…Doesn’t Fight Elite Guys In/Around His Weight Class, Doesn’t Want Smoke w/the Guy That Gave Him His TOUGHEST Fight Either… Seems to Be All About Stacking His PAPER, No More, No Less… REED
if, If, IF Wilder Gets Past Helenius (No Easy Feat), He Should Go STRAIGHT to Joshua…That’s STILL a Money Fight as Looooong as Neither of Them LOSES Another Fight in the Interim… LOWER Risk, HIGHER Reward for Wilder, than Ruiz Would Be, in REED’s Opinion…Beat Joshua 1st, THEN Go to Ruiz… Wilder-Ruiz is a Basic Matter of REAL ESTATE. As Fury Exposed, Wilder CAN’T Infight or Fight from CLOSE Range for Shit…Ruiz’s Handspeed and Combination Punching WORKS Wilder, But Bad Built Andy’s Got to Get INSIDE that Insane Length 1st… If Joshua and Arreola Can Hurt/Drop Ruiz, Wilder Can Leave Him Stretched Out on the Canvas, Unconscious… Ruiz Absolutely CANNOT Stay on the END of Wilder’s Shots and Wilder Absolutely CANNOT Let Ruiz Get Inside on Him… Whoever Controls the Real Estate Wins… REED
0% Chance Tank Made $14mil That Night…For Rolly??? Floyd Also Claimed to Have Made $25mil for his WWE Match w/Big Show, But Accounting Showed it was More Like $2mil, WWE Just Never SAID Shit When Floyd Claimed to Have Made $25mil… REED
Apparently, Usyk’s Nursing Some Injuries and WON’T Fight Again in 2022, Which Has Prompted Fury to Call Out AJ… Fury’s THE Biggest Fight for Joshua, So REED and No One Else Can Blame AJ for Taking a Higher Paid Attempt @ the Lineal and WBC Heavyweight Crown (Which He’s NEVER Held) In Lieu of a Wilder Bout… Assuming Wilder Beats Helenius and Joshua ISN’T Available, Ruiz Needs to Be Next In Line…Otto Wallin Will ALWAYS Be There…. REED
I would love to see this little guy get another crack at Tank. I honestly didnt think it was a bad look. Tank was just being playful with the crowd. I wouldnt read too much into it. I think the smart move for Tank is to take the Garcia fight next. Tank will probably knock Ryan out. Low risk high reward then go for the rematch with Cruz.
I wanna see the fucking losers fight....get them in the ring for the Loser Heavyweight Title fight....Joshua vs Wilder, and advertise it heavily as such, thus guaranteeing they both bring their most insane utterances and prime fight-night performances. I wanna see them up there basically getting the "Dead Man Walking" treatment.
All too common nowadays. Prize fighting always been about the money but not only the money. The great fighters always want the biggest fights. They didn't want anyone to doubt who was the best. Low risk fights are/were for moving a guy along steadily until they were ready. Now you have too many fighters in their primes content to coast. They think simply talking shit is a good enough substitute to proving it in the ring.
collectively as fans we are partially to blame because we over-value undefeatedness (even when it is achieved without facing the best). and we draw sweeping conclusions about a fighter who has lost fights.
You just described Jermal Charlo and Demitrius Andrade. They are almost 35 and havent done anything. The PBC business model is ruining the sport(good fights getting made).
Without getting into an annoying mma vs boxing debate. I do admire the UFC for forcing the very best to fight each other. In a way Dana is like the Czar of the mma world. He makes the fights that fans want to see and cuts off the middle men.(promoters/managers/tv networks) its tyrannical but good for the fans. Kind of screws the fighters by putting a cap on their salaries. But still get paid ver well so i can live with that.
Agreed. If it's not like that then you get the fighters exploiting the situation by fighting cans or favourable match ups for money. Look at Tank for example. It's just a shame there was no Dana in the 1970s or something. Setting up such an organization for boxing and having a monopoly.
Yes. I read that UFC fighters make the lowest % of their organization's profits and there's not even a close second. They do make good fights. Losses don't really derail MMA's fighters' careers as they do boxers. Especially early losses. You see guys that are 13-4 but they've won 5 straight and have some quality names that they've beaten and they're considered up and coming prospects. A boxer who is 13-4 in most cases is headed for the club circuit.