How would you rate these HW on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 obviously being the greatest on the list and 10 being the worst. Holyfield, Tyson, Lennox, Foreman, Ali, Fraizer, ,Vitali Klitscho, Wilder, Jones Jr., Fury 1) Ali- In my opinion Ali gets a bit overrated for being such an iconic sports figure. He embodies what a true embassador of the sport is supposed to be in and out of the ring. Heart, speed, chin, stamina, high ring IQ, ring Generalship and swag. 2)George Foreman-fought the creme of the crop in the 70's and during his comeback in the 90's at age 45 became oldest hw champion in history by beating a prime Moorer. 3)Holyfield-the only man to become champion 4 different times. One of the best resume's and one of the few to beat a prime Mike Tyson. 4)Mike Tyson-needs no introduction. The youngest hw champ in history. A world wide sports icon. He may have lost to Holyfield and Lewis but has great wins over Holmes, Spinks, Bruno and Donnavan. 5)Fraizer-He was a great hw champ but a bit overshadowed by Ali. Still without Fraizer we never would've seen how great Ali really was. 6)Lennox Lewis- a lot of people dont give LL enough credit. He didnt have a fan friendly style. Very methodical and didnt take a lot of risk even when it was obvious he could have a shorter night had he just stepped on the gas pedal. The Tua fight comes to mind as an example. Having said that nobody can argue he was a long reigning hw champion. 7)Fury-he's still an active fighter but not for long. When it's all said and done I think he's done enough to be #7 on this list right above Klit. 8)Vitaly Klit- was the better champ of the 2 imo. Had a better chin and heart than his bro. His close loss to LL showed how good the Klitschos really were when facing the very best. Not the very best champs but could compete in any era imo with any champions. 9)Wilder- Really scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I think the only reason I include Wilder is the same reason I include Ali. If Ali is the benchmark for greatness then the Bronze bomber would be the benchmark for a bum champion. Great power and heart but lacks in every other attribute you would want from a hw champ. 10)Jones Jr- really shouldn't be considered a champion. Beating Ruiz was a sham. Hand picked to look good against. If we looked back in history we would have a hard time finding an easier champion for Jones Jr to beat with the exception of Primo Carnera who was also a paper champ just like Ruiz. So where do you guys rate them?
Because butterbean is retired and never fought a 10 rd fight. And if he did his heart would explode. Atleast Wilder had the cardio to go a full fight without huffing and puffing like a fish out of water. In terms of talent butter bean might be a better boxer than Wilder.
Muhammad Ali is constantly ranked as the top heavyweight boxer of all time. He fought in several major boxing matches, including his largely publicized fights with Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier( the biggest boxing event up until also), the Thrilla in Manila, and his battle with George Foreman in The Rumble in the Jungle. He's always been my favorite.
Anyway... 1. Ali 2. Holyfield 3. Tyson 4. Lewis 5. Foreman 6. Frazier 7. Fury 8. Vitaly 9. Wilder 10. Jones
Roy is the second greatest in this group if we mean as P4P fighters, but I thought he meant purely as heavyweights?