He took some vicious punishment from Morrell and his corner and the ref failed to protect him. Praying for a full recovery. Yerbossynuly in medically induced coma after KO
Exactly, boxing fans will always try to find a scapegoat (usually the ref or the corner) but fact is brain injury and even deaths are an integral part of the sport unfortunately . Boxing would be much safer if every fight would be stopped once a fighter start to take a beating (however it's defined) like in the amateurs, but then, basically no one would be watching.
Yeah, while recently, Adonis Stevenson recovered a lot better than I expected, it's still quite obvious he s not the same as he was pre-accident. The other ones I can think of are just plain sad, even the ''miracle'' ones (like Abdusalamov)
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that fights are 12 rounds. That's a long time to have your brain bounce around the skull. They should copy mma and do 3 rounds of 5 minutes and 5 rounds of 5 minutes for championship fights. Also eliminate this stigma of quitting is for cowards...
That's what gets to me the most actually... you have these boxers with their lives on the line... with their kids and wives waiting at home praying they come back ok from the fight.... and the boxers are scared to call it quits in a fight where they're badly hurt... because they will be labeled a quitter online by some non-binary chubby fishnet stocking wearing boxing "fan" in finland????
@BOSS is actually making sense here. The attitude towards "quitting" is the main problem. It is difficult to fix however, because as @Azazel alluded, the violence and sacrifices are the reason people watch it. Personally I have never criticized fair quitting. In other sports (all forms of football, hockey etc.) the speed and power has increased too, which means more concussions and more dangers. I know most will disagree, but I believe fighters now hit harder generally speaking than ever before. Thus chances are that we see more of this. The mismatch culture is one problem as well. If you throw pudgy Polish cows in the ring with actual athletes, stuff can happen
Mismatches are not a problem if it's a quick ko. Those are harmless. Mismatches where it's a guy just whaling on a human punching bag are the dangerous ones. I don't know why boxing is so obsessed with the undefeated records... it's so stupid.. why have almost everyone aside from anomalies like Loma fight nobody decent at all until they hit that shiny 20-0 mark.... who cares fuck off.... fight people who challenge you not 20 fights to show off what you got... so dumb... imagine an NBA team playing some driveway basketball kids for 5 years before stepping it up... ridiculous
5 rounds of 5 mins? Nah, I'm good. The only thing boxing needs to copy from cage fighting is the best fighting the best. I do agree that the stigma of quitting needs to tone down. If a guy is taking a beating, he should have three lines of protection before he has take things into his own hands: the ref; the doctor; and his corner. If all three are failing to stop the fight, and his body feels like it's taken too much punishment, by all means retire on your stool.
Coma aside, and perhaps it isn't the thread for it, but Morrell is a real talent and could potentially be the top dog at 168 one day.
His corner, the ref and the ringside doctor all failed. From the 10th round or so you could see something wasn't right and his corner really dropped the ball. They shouldn't haven't let him go out for the 12th after how one sided the 11th was. Sadly we've all seen this stuff happen again and again. Hopefully he recovers.
Imagine a sport like NFL a guy gets cuncussed and is being taken off the field on a stretcher and people are throwing shit on him and calling him a pussy and a quitter. Boxing is fucked up.
I don't how true this is. But I read somewhere most of the head trauma happens way before they step in the ring. Caused by sparring rounds and rounds to get ready for a fight. It's a ticking time bomb. All it takes is one shot in the wrong place. He was probably already fucked before he stepped in the ring. Brutal sport.
I think you're confusing fatal brain trauma with dementia. There may be a connection between years of gym wars and developing CTE later in life. Ring deaths are almost always the result of brain bleeds, and there's no telling what fighter will develop them, and under what circumstance. There's no discernible link between sparring and brain bleeds. These guys undergo CT scans before the fight. A lot of times the guys you see die are young, fresh, undefeated fighters WITHOUT years of gym wars under their belts. They simply take too much punishment in a grueling war, and their brain starts to hemorrhage.
The problem is if the corner men throw in the towel prematurely they will likely get blamed. Like Wilder blamed his trainer for stopping the fight, then blamed him for spiking his water. Then canned him. When youre working with superstars and the stakes are high they dont want to get canned for making the wrong call. These so called coaches are not trained to make life and death decisions. Imo the ringside doctors should be more involved in stopping fights where the guy is taking too much punishment. Not leave it up to the fighter or corner. Anybody can throw a towel around their neck and call themselves a trainer.
Doctor/Ref probably look at it this way... these people want a show... if I ruin the fun I won't be invited next time to make money
Jajajaja sadly yes. It be interesting to know how much money does a ringside doctor make in one night. Do they do it for the money? Or enjoy being in the spot light?
This wasn't a case of premature stopping of the fight. The guy was still somewhat competitive in the 9th and 10th but took a whipping round 11. If his corner gave a fuck bout him they stop it before the 12th he was clearly done and had zero chance to win
https://youtube.com/shorts/Jwsx4yug-nA?feature=share Disgusting... people booing... even more so the commentators saying poor guy is acting.... really Disgusting
It's pretty evident the ref and doctors don't give a fuck about the fighters well being. They just want the people to have a good show
The Prichard Colon situation was different, and entirely avoidable. Colon's life was ruined because of his opponent's (forgot the guy's name) shameful and blatant rabbit punches, and a terrible ref.
I remember when every made a huge deal out of Golota's harmless low blows yet Bowe landed full power punches to the back of Golota's head over and over again. Golota got lucky. Those fucking shots are dangerous especially from a hard hitting heavyweight