We see upsets all the time in boxing. But more often than not it’s done by some young relatively unheard of guy, took the fight on short notice etc etc. Like Prescott-Khan, Mayorga-Forrest for examples. However there is this class of boxers (or stage in career you might say) where a guy is labeled a ‘gatekeeper’. He’s usually a former contender or champion who is aging as has been relegated to the lower top-10 or just outside of that. Not gonna be winning any more championships. Typically the gatekeeper gets matched to lose while putting a name on the younger dudes resume. Almost always works out.. so I’m asking what are some gatekeepers that actually kept the door shut? Or does it happen all the time but just on a level below what we see on TV? Leija- Camacho Jr comes to mind.. but I can’t think of many else
Monte Barret. Not quite top-10 guy but stopped some rising names such as Dominic Guinn, Eric Kirkland, Owen Beck and exposed Joe Mesi too, even though Mesi narrowly won.
Jesse Ferguson fits to some extent. He beat Ray Mercer and later defeated then-unbeaten Bobby Harris who was 18-0 and also Samson Po'uha who still had some hopes left. The last two were far from top-10 though
Neil's gonna have a stroke, but Randall Bailey was a good gatekeeper. The elite beat the shit outta him, but if you were a fraud he could expose you.
Utter malarkey. Bailey busted thru the gate himself and became world champion 3 times Darnell Boone is the correct answer
Exactly. Win, Loss or Draw- Leija completely bitched Jr, made his own father ashamed to have his name associated with that clown.
It's funny. Lejja looked tough that night fighting with a worse cut than pussy Jr but then quit under similar circumstances vs tszyu
Good call. Monte had a little run there.. even looked like he might be able to pick up a belt, but yeah he definitely sorted out some of the up and comers. Guinn
I remember way back when boxing forums were not a thing and boxing fans got their boxing fix by subscribing to boxing magazines. Thats when I first read about Dominic Guin. I remember thinking this guy could be a hw champ some day. He looked the part. Good looking hw. But his career didnt pan out like I thought. Would Maidana count as a gate keeper? I mean he rid the boxing world of Adrian Broner and will always be grateful.
Definitely, I mean we all like to hate on Broner but he accomplished far too much to be simply disregarded as being 'found out'' before reaching world class status.