The Best Fighter Most of You Have EVER Seen, Whether You’re Honest Enough w/SELF to Admit it or Not… REED
Great, great fighter. Probably the best I have seen since I start following boxing. Yeah it was mostly in the 00's but it's a shame how he wasted his talent fighting in a subpar division for so long (though it's hard to criticize him for not moving up to cw or hw earlier as he was already undersized at 175 lbs). Still, at lhw, I would make him a decisive underdog vs Spinks and a slight one vs Foster.
The best fighter I have ever seen. And even though many disagree, I wouldn't pick anyone over focused Roy at 175 either
I think he's the best fighter I've ever seen in terms of talent. It wasn't just his hand speed, his whole body moved like lightning and his style was so unique. No he didn't have the fundamentals of a Floyd, but if we are talking physical prime there are very few you could say are better.
Definitely the best I’ve ever seen which makes him the best of that decade. Pea was up there as well.
The real Ultimate Fighter. The most gifted offensive fighter of all time. The only boxer that would be favored P4P over ANYONE. I'd say Aaron Pryor would be a distant #2 P4P to Roy Jones Jr.
RJJ in his prime was sensational. Not the greatest set of opposition when he was dominant but still has his share of victories over ATGs such as Hopkins, Toney and McCallum (old but still a good name). Sad to see how bad he went downhill after the Tarver KO.
His downhill started before the KO. By about the 3rd round of the first Tarver fight he was clearly not the same fighter any longer.
Most impressive fighter i ever saw. Doesn't mean he was the best, but he did things that looked like superhero shit
Roy was something of a wildcard throughout boxing history. He looked so ridiculously unbeatable in alot of fights. Typically everyone at high level even when they dominate take some and give some. Every once in awhile you get a Pacquiao-Hatton or Hearns-Cuevas where very solid opponents are steamrolled. Roy looked like that in 75% of his fights over a ten year stretch. It did almost seem like if someone really dragged him into a fight they would have a chance but noone really could do it until he lost a step. I at times wonder if he would've just made McClellan, Benn, Eubank just look like third rate fighters. It's a shame what happened later in his career as now everybody favors people in mythical match-ups against him. Not sure anyone would be favored at 160-175 over him at his peak.