The fact Hollywood is incapable of finding anymore American breed stars speaks to how much it’s lost it’s way. It’s also apparent in the writing/story, dialogue and directing found in today’s shit show of released product. Letting politics, woke politics, so called public opinion, financial based projections and a bunch of other immaterial elements be the determining factor behind a lot of these Hollywood decisions is the reason for so many failures and films with little to no quality in them. Ford should have been replaced as Indy but like I said it’s not just the product and the creators of it that suck but the full blown planet Hollywood itself.
I’m gonna be in the minority but Shia could have continued on I think. Then he went batshit insane. I don’t think Indy should be recast but if we had to, who would be the pick? I’d think you’d have to go young like late 20s early 30s.
Chris Pratt, who was rumored to be considered for the role a few years ago in a totally different project, could have been perfect IMO.
It was ok but kind of depressing. Crystal Skull was stupid, but at least more fun and less of a downer. Much of the movie is Indiana being depressed due to the death of his son. Who wants to see Indiana’s character as geriatric and depressed? I don’t know they didn’t just recast him. You can’t recast Harrison Forf or Karen Allen or Sean Connery, but no one gives a fuck if you recast Shia Labeouf