Dana is a windbag buffoon. He doesn't steal from the fighters because he doesn't pay them in the first place
It's difficult to take UFC seriously when you have their fanboys shitting on boxing at every opportunity they get, yet their top guys beg elite boxers for paydays. I thought boxing was "dying" you homo grappling fanatics.
I don’t mind watching mma here and there, it can be entertaining but I really can’t stand White and what he has made of UFC, the theatrics, the way it’s marketed and structured (league like). On top of that, no doubt he’s a money grubbing promoter himself, he really should look at himself before pointing fingers.
While I understand your concerns about Dana White and the way the UFC is marketed and structured, it is important to note that the issue of low pay in MMA is not solely attributable to White or the UFC. Comparing MMA pay to boxing pay is a complex matter that involves various factors. Firstly, it is true that some MMA fighters may receive lower base salaries compared to elite boxers. However, it is essential to consider the overall revenue and financial landscape of both sports. Boxing has a long history and established infrastructure, whereas MMA, particularly the UFC, is a relatively young sport that has rapidly grown in popularity over the past two decades. In terms of revenue generation, boxing has a more diverse ecosystem. It includes various sanctioning bodies, promotional companies, and a wider range of opportunities for fighters to secure lucrative fights. MMA, on the other hand, is primarily dominated by the UFC, which acts as a promoter, sanctioning body, and league. This centralized structure, while offering certain benefits, may limit the opportunities for fighters to negotiate higher pay. Additionally, the overall market demand for MMA and boxing differs. While MMA has gained considerable popularity, boxing still remains a global phenomenon with a massive fan base. The higher demand for boxing events often translates into larger paydays for top boxers. Furthermore, the revenue distribution in MMA and boxing varies. In boxing, the top-tier fighters tend to receive the majority of the revenue, leaving a significant disparity between the highest-paid boxers and those lower down the ladder. In contrast, the UFC has implemented a more structured payment system, where fighters receive a portion of the revenue generated from events, sponsorships, and merchandise. While this may result in lower base salaries, it offers a level of financial security and stability for fighters outside the top echelons. It is crucial to acknowledge that both MMA and boxing have their fair share of issues regarding fighter pay. However, attributing the problem solely to Dana White and the UFC overlooks the broader context and complexities of the combat sports industry. To address the issue adequately, it requires collaboration between fighters, promoters, and regulatory bodies to ensure fair compensation and the growth of the sport as a whole.
This fucking mug again. Loves to put the boots into boxing but the second the pay difference is mentioned he’s suddenly unable to speak.