How does FOTC version of Joe Frazier take on Big Daddy Bowe that dethroned Holyfield in their first fight? Can Bowe fight on even terms against Smokin’ Joe on the inside?
If Bowe's gonna get to the 71 Joe, it had better be inside of 6. I don't think he had the Foreman-like firepower to do that (although it is possible). If it goes late, Frazier's body punching is gonna take its toll and Bowe's gonna catch too many hooks. I've got Frazier, personally. Frazier TKO 12.
Frazier would, of course, press Bowe and Bowe was well schooled on how to fight inside, by the same guy that played a role in educating Frazier. The fight would evolve into a very simple contest. Frazier is obviously going to be grinding in and letting his hook go. When you are fighting inside, the right uppercut is a natural counter to a left hook to the body; when he punches you punch, and the motion of the uppercut moves the vital spots on the right side of your body inside the arc of his hook, and the uppercut will beat the hook to the punch. When you throw the uppercut properly, your left shoulder is there to block the hook. That is why Frazier hit Ali with the hook when Ali threw an uppercut- Ali dropped his right hand to throw an uppercut and threw it as an arm punch. I think that another key to this fight would be Bowe going to Frazier's body- right uppercut, left hand to the belly works very well. There are a few other factors at work as well. First, does Eddie Futch sit it out, or who does he corner? Second, I think that Bowe is probably more likely to hurt Frazier with a single punch than vice versa.
I like Frazier late. Frazier has better defense and stamina. And I don’t think Bowe would find it easy to hurt Frazier the same way Foreman did with his freakish power. I think once Joe starts to “smoke” in the mid rounds, it becomes increasingly one sided in Frazier’s favor and Bowe just takes too many flush shots to survive the 12 or 15 round distance.