I'm in two minds. Joyce either really is shit and can't fight at all, or he totally misread his opponent, believed his own hype, and will get it right this time. He simply MUST hit Zhang hard and early this time. He can't afford to walk around taking shots. Has that facial damage even healed fully?
That's my belief. Joyce will "move around" and "show movement" and hope Zhang blows a bit then Joyce will move in and "really put it on him" forcing a bullshit stoppage.
I think Joyce coming in ''light'' was a mistake. He's never going to be a cutie or be elusive, no matter how big and ponderous is opponent is. To win, h'ell have to take Zang's best punches early, throw a ton of punches and wrestle when on the inside, and hope Zang tries in the late round. The bigger he is, the better is odds to survive the early onslaught.
REED'll Tune In But ISN'T The Least Bit Optimistic About Joyce's Chances of REVERSING Fortunes From the 1st Fight... REED
When your path to victory relies on your opponent gassing, it's very hard to pick you to win. Zhang hurts everyone he fights early and Joyce is going to get cracked hard again. Zhang was able to catch a lot of Joyces arm punches on his gloves and didn't really have to work much. For Joyce to put enough work in to make Zhang gassed, his head is going to be hung out like laundry in the process so he is going to be taking punches. It's incredible to see such a low skilled fighter like Joyce being so overrated. I have to admit I lost a lot of money betting against the guy. I didn't realise Dubois was a complete fraud. It's really an affront to boxing if this Homer Simpson arm puncher style can get to a title shot. I think Zhang is going to catch him and probably win in similar fashion. I see a TKO this time probably around the 8th or 9th round for Zhang. Joyce is in over his head. Imagine what someone like Liston would do to Joyce.
He hit Zhang plenty of times but Zhang didn't even blink. Every time Zhang touched Joyce, though, Joyce was hurt. I see another win for Zhang. 4/1 inside the distance is tempting.
I find that I have got some rematches terribly wrong. Even Eubank vs Smith a couple of weeks ago. I remember JMM was rematching Diaz and I couldn't see how Diaz wouldn't get stopped again. I suppose that makes sense though since if you got stopped/hurt in the first fight, you're going to make that adjustment not to get hurt, even if it means putting some pussyness into your performance.
Really? I don't know what to make of it. I suppose hes thinking he will retain his stamina. Maybe he felt the strength of Zhang in that first fight, feeling like the weaker guy in there? I suppose it's all good if he can make Zhang gas.
Agreed, the ''Homer Simpson' strategy is rarely a successful one at the higher level. However, Zhang has shown a tendency to gas numerous time in his career so it's not that much of an hail mary in this case (and I think you slightly underrate Joyce who's not as bad as you make it sound imo, but yeah the hw divisions horrible and Joyce would not be a serious contender in a decent era). Very interesting fight
agREED… Joyce's Assets Are DURABILITY/SIZE & He Has the FRAME to Carry 280...Dude Had TRACES of a 4-Pack in the Weigh-In Pics...If He Can (Somehow) Get Inside and LEAN On Zhang, ala, Fury-Wilder 2 & 3, Things Could Get VERY Interesting Late... Joyce Still Needs DIVINE Intervention to Pull This Off, But REED Wasn't Giving Him a PRAYER Of a Chance Prior to This Weight Revelation... REED
I think we might see Joyce trying to stay as close to Zhang as possible. He would lose again if he hangs out at range. I'd say he will keep moving away from the left, although the right hook of Zhang is nasty too. He will be trying to spend as much time as possible being close to Zhang, jabbing his way in, going to the body, trying to make it as physical as possible. Zhang has pedigree but hes nearly 300 pounds here himself. I'm picking Zhang but I don't like his weight at all. He might not have even trained much.
Yeah, Zhang Is Nearly 11 Pounds HEAVIER Than He Was Last Bout...There Appears to Be LITTLE He's Concerned w/Regarding the RE w/Joyce and Based on the 1st Fight, WHY Should He Be???... REED
Joyce had his best moments in the fight in round 3…while moving away from Zhang straight left, and keeping a jab & left hook going…BUT he still lose the round… Zhang again by ref or corner corner stoppage 8-10…
Absolute fucking garbage. Classic Frunk card, this. Almost makes you wish for Fast Eddie's shite. MTF
At this rate Zhang will land a left hand 5 seconds into the match and Slow Joe's eye gets nuked into orbit again
Do Fighter's Realize How MEEK They Look, Safely Rising from the Canvas AS the Ref Says "10" & Waves it Off? SAVE (a Bit of) FACE & Stay Down for 12-15 Seconds, @ Least... REED
If Joyce gets a draw or SD, wait for fish eyes to mention Fury (Battle of Britain!), it's the fight everyone wants of course....but of course it will need to marinate