Oscar seems like one of those maladjusted child prodigies. Just trained to be a boxer since he was a kid (like Floyd Jr), without teaching him any life skills. Likewise with Tyson, although the boxing training for him didn’t come until he was like 13-14 and he just had a nightmare childhood. RJJ seems to be doing okay despite what is described as a similar upbringing. A lot of these documentaries are sugar-coated. This one wasn’t. Definitely not in regards to the sexual assault accusations. The doc was neutral and basically said “yeah, Oscar might have raped multiple women”.
Yep, the Information was Delivered Matter of Fact, w/ZERO Regard to Guilt/Innocence or WHO Gave a Fuck Either Way...Even Eric Gomez, Who's Always Come Across as a Protector/Borderline ENABLER Wasn't the Least Bit Guarded in His Comments... If That was All an ACT or in Some Way SCRIPTED, More Power to the Filmmakers, Because REED BELIEVED What He was Watching/Hearing During the Doc... REED
I had nearly the same reaction. I came away not only respecting Oscar but understanding him more as well. Like Erratic said it was obvious he was never given many life lessons or direction in life and growing up he never really knew who he was as a person or had an identity. That's the main reason I believe he used to lie so much or just say what he thought people wanted to hear. I think doing that documentary was actually a load off his chest as he got to finally tell the truth and be honest about his story and life choices. I thought it was brave and I totally respect it. I also felt like Oscar was finally being honest when he spoke here. So kudos to him. At the same time I think he probably did rape those women. For the record I think Tyson, Tupac and Kobe raped their accusers too. Less so with Tupac than the others though.
REED Doesn't Know Enough about the Rape Allegations AGAINST Dela to Voice a LEGIT Opinion, But Admittedly, He Gives Off Vibes of One Who's "Taken Liberties" w/a Woman/Women in His Lifetime...Similar to Tyson in That Way...But w/That Said, REED DOESN'T Believe Mike Raped Desiree Washington... Mike Maintained His Innocence and Chalked His Incarceration Up to KARMA from Other Crimes He'd Gotten Away w/...Mike was Soooo CONTENT In Delivering That Message, REED Couldn't Help But BELIEVE Him...Teddy Atlas Didn't Pull a Gun on Mike's Ass for NATHAN.... As for the Washington Case, Mike was OVERTLY Crude, Crass and Descriptive to Her PUBLICLY, as Validated by Many Eye/Ear Witnesses....Washington Hopped Into Mike's Limo EARLY AM, Made Out w/Him in the Backseat (Per Driver's Testimony) on the Way to Mike's Hotel, THEN Willingly Went Upstairs to His Room... They Continued to Make Out on Mike's Bed, She Advised She Was On Her Period and Went Off to the Bathroom to Remove Her Tampon... Per Court Records, There was a LOCK On the Bathroom Door AND a TELEPHONE in the Bathroom Itself...To Characterize Tyson's Intent as "Obvious" Would Be an OBVIOUS Understatement...Bottom Line, Desiree Washington KNEW What Time it Was... Instead of Exiting the Bathroom Sans Undergarments and Tampon, Washington COULD/SHOULD Have Remained in the Bathroom w/the Door LOCKED, Where @ ANY Point She Could/Should Have Then CALLED For Assistance...CLEAR, "Reasonable Doubt" Existed, But Don King Hired a SHIT Lawyer for Mike... Granted, REED Has Little to NO Doubt Mike Tyson HAS Raped a Woman/Women in his Life, REED Just Doesn't Believe He Raped Desiree Washington.... REED Doesn't Think Kobe Raped the Hotel Clerk in Colorado Either... Court Records Showed the Existence of No Fewer than 2-3 DIFFERENT Semen Samples In Her Panties, NOT INCUDLING Kobe's...Feminists and MeToo'ers Will Argue Even a WHORE Can Be Raped, But a Broad Who CAN'T Even Bother to Change Her Panties, Despite Sexing 2-3 OTHER Guys in a Short Period of Time, Being RAPED By a Celebrity???...Pretty Faaaaaaaaaaaar Fucking Fetched in REED's Opinion and he States this as a Father of 3, ALL FEMALES... Unlike Tyson's or Dela's, Kobe's was an ISOLATED Incident, Not One of Many Settlements/Cover Ups He Had Throughout His Career... As for 'Pac, All REED Recalls Regarding Him and RAPE is a Chick He Sexed ALSO Having a Train Ran On Her By Some of 'Pac's Homeys???....Separate Incidents Though, Right???... REED
Pac got blown by Ayanna Jackson on the dance floor. Later on, they were in the hotel room bed, and Haitian Jack & crew barged in and started feeling up on her. Pac said (according to the Kevin Powell VIBE interview) he just got up and left the room because if he told them to stop, “it would mean she’s my girl”. He didn’t say if she seemed cool with it or not. In fact, he said both he and her froze up. It seems like he just basically said “none of my business, do what you want with her”, either attempting to impress Haitian Jack or not wanting to get on his bad side. Pac got acquitted on the sodomy charges but convicted of sexual abuse. Haitan Jack (Jacques Agnant) ended up pleading guilty to a lesser charge in that incident.
Well officially yeah. But prime Oscar was an enigma. In that video he looks like a skinny lesbian but in the ring he was a monster.
It's funny how you can go from being a fan boy to actually hating a guy. That's me and Oscar. In the 90s I was a huge fan. Didn't miss any of his fights. Fast-forward to 2024 and ask me if I give a shit? I agree with the majority of you. Oscar is a snake. He's a chameleon. He understands this generation is all about protecting people's feelings. Everyone is so self absorbed. His documentary is a self serving pitty party. I'm sure the LGBTQ community will stand behind him and he'll gain some new fans for his "bravery".
I don't even know what you ya'll are talking about anymore, but Tito didn't win just plodding around making mean faces for 10 rounds
The individuals who insist that Tito won against DLH are often the same ones who claim Canelo lost to Lara and GGG twice. You can't have it both ways.
Alvarez vs Lara and in the golovkin rematch were fights that are debatable Golovkin Alvarez 1 wasn't Trinidad delahoya was trash and who really gives a fuck who won that disappointment?
I thought there was a period there where Pac was doing a fair bit of coke and hookers, and Jinky cracked the shits at him, like 10 years ago or so.
I’ve heard different stuff about the Kobe case. Like some stories about the girl supposedly bragging to her friends about having sex with Kobe. But of course the other side claims that isn’t true, and there were the blood stains on Kobe’s shirt from rough (forced?) sex. It’s possible that it went from consensual to non-consensual as Kobe got rough. She had bruises on her neck and I think he admitted to choking her as he was apparently into the rough stuff. That’s my personal guess. As far as Tyson goes, well, I hate to say it as he’s one of my favorite athletes (like MJ with music), but I’d say there’s a fairly good chance he did it. The medical examiner’s comments on the vaginal abrasions make me lean towards that. As you said, if he didn’t rape Desiree Washington, he probably committed that crime at another point in his life. There was some weird stuff though later on that got revealed. Supposedly, Desiree had falsely accused a high school classmate of rape after they had sex together. She didn’t want her father to find out. WTF was going on in her house that would make her think “hmm…I better lie and say I was raped, that will help things”?
We do a lot of dumb kids as kids. For example in grade school we had show and tell day and I barrowed my neighbors cat so I could bring it in to school. Pretended it was mine.