Is fucking losing the plot. Anyone who follows this guy on Instagram knows how weird he's becoming. Ironing clothes naked in his latest pic. His only social media account should be an OnlyFans. Guy is such a weirdo. I only stay following him because the comment sections are hilarious.
Crazy how someone who has it all is still so unhappy and living la vida loca. Never liked Oscar, but he’s showing some signs of a possible suicide in the future. Hope he gets help.
Weird as hell. I like when he does interviews at his promotions and it's obvious he is loaded and feeling good. He could be black-out drunk at those things for all we know.
I actually like the current Oscar minus the soft porn nonsense. Dude was scripted as fuck his whole career, but now luckily we get to see the real him. He's fuckin hilarious. I could just do without the half naked pics is all.
Mario Lopez is a very personable guy, interesting to talk to. I've met him a couple times at the Wild Card ...holy fuck, 18 years ago.
The Documentary Seems to Have Been THERAPEAUTIC for Dela, in That Way...But Yeah, Dick Pics and Boxing Promotion Don't Exactly MIX... REED
Dela looks fully worked up.....he looks botoxed to hell, hair plugs, lip gloss and foundation, I can't wait till he gets lip filler.
He almost certainly has all of the above. I think he hates himself, and is going through a midlife crisis. I think partners play an important role in this. Troubled men, like Oscar and Iron Mike, need a good woman there for them. Just from my social media perception of things, Oscar's current lady is an enabler who actually encourages this weird shit. She fights with his fanbase in the comment section like a little girl. Whereas, Mike has a legitimately good wife who helped him cut his bullshit out. Oscar is probably still attracted to leaches and gold diggers, and that can only hurt him.
In some ways i think he's no different than a lot of modern people hooked on social media. Thinking of themselves as a "brand". On the other hand it's different for wildly successful athletes. They were on top of the world but they also had goals to focus on. After retirement they may be plenty comfortable financially but what they were best at is gone entirely. Not only does it seem like Oscar is trying to fill some void, he's an attention whore. Now you have platforms that not only enable it, they encourage it.
Oscar should have stuck with his last ex wife. I think she was a good woman and had his best interests at heart.
Obviously it's too late for that. I think maybe the best thing he could do is sell all of his assets and then send all of the money to fightbeat's members. Agree or disagree?
De La Hoya sure likes taking embarrassing photos of himself. He’s appears to be another one of those athletes that doesn’t know what to do with himself now that his career is over, despite having so much money and success. I remember SRL saying that there’s no rush like being in the ring and winning a fight in front of all the fans. To attempt to replace the feeling, some athletes might get into drugs (like SRL did and DLH). Judging by what we know about Oscar, he wasn’t really taught any life skills growing up. Just how to box and put on an image to make money. Tyson seems to be adjusting well now in his post fight career despite some similarities (boxing prodigy just taught to box, substance issues, depression, etc..)
Question for current or former fightbeat cokeheads... Did coke ever make you wanna dress up like a lady and shove rolling pins up your ass? ... Just trying to figure out if it's the drug or homosexual urges
I’ve been in the medical for some years now and I’ve dealt with my share of patients whom are heavy into coke and their symptoms are totally different. I think Oscar is probably into other drugs like ecstasy and all that other bullshit but the possibility of repressed homosexuality is also there.