Greater I think it's a no brainer, as Floyd numerous titles over numerous divisions trumps Hagler long me reign imo. The ducking of Pac really hurts him legacy wise imo but Hagler's loss to Leonard and especially, his early retirement right after, means there just a little something missing to put him on the same tier as Floyd. Better though it's a real tough call. Most will say Floyd clearly but imo he's a bit overrated due to his undefeated record. Too close to call but p4p, I'd favor Hagler due to their style.
130-135 lb Floyd might have an argument of being a better fighter, though I’d disagree. Hagler is overall greater, imo. Better resume, beat better guys. What’s Floyd’s best win?
I think Hagler circa early 80s, when he dissected Minter, Sibson, Obel, Hamsho, was a better fighter than Floyd ever was.
Mind sharing the reasoning behind it ? Did he have something that Hagler didn't, or was he just functionally harder to beat ?
This is a tricky one. I think it's close for both tbh. Yes Hagler stayed in the one division but there were a plethora of fighters around who would go on to be all time greats and he fought pretty much all of them. His resume is better than Floyd's imo. I think if Mayweather had fought Pacquiao in 2009/10 and won he would be a lock for greater. Both were utterly superb boxers, in the sense that there's nothing you could teach either of them. They know it all already. I genuinely can't choose.