don't know how to do this

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by Mr X, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. Mr X

    Mr X Guest

    for everyone that has asked,the arrangements haven't been made yet. it may be tomorrow morning before i know precisely what is going on in the regard. he is being taken to virginia to be buried but as far as the funeral place it hasn't been decided yet. but as soon as i know i will tell everyone who wanted to know.

    again,thanks for all the words. i'm glad to see you guys could see in a message board what i saw everyday in real life.


    Jan 24, 2003
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    overlook hotel.
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    i don't know what to say here so i'll keep it brief

    wolf was a special dude, a really good natured guy. a cat you could tell was a great person just by the way he posted.

    rest in peace brother.

    and much condolences to wolf's family and friends, rest in peace.

    x, drop me a pm with your phone number, i'm really sorry man, really sorry.

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  3. Mr X

    Mr X Guest

    i'd like to say thank you to everyone here today for letting me say what i wanted to say regarding matt and thank you all for the kindness and warmth you have shown today. i have to gp pick up some family today so i'll have to leave soon,however let me leave you with a couple of stories about matt that truly speak of the person he was.

    first off alot of you know of the troubles we have experienced here regarding some of the racist people that have moved in around here and the things that had been going on. well,a month or so ago one of these neighbors house burned to the ground and they lost everything. me,being the ass i am,had a fuck 'em type attitude toward it all and i told this to matt. matt smacked me in the head and went on to tell me how wrong i was for being like that. matt then proceeded to gather up some of his things like new/old clothing and such (he ended up with two big boxes full of stuff) and went and took $100 from his bank account. he took this stuff to those people which,just a week before had called him a 'stupid nagger' and such other classless things,and gave it all to them. i wouldn't have been able to do that,but that was matt. repay anger with kindness,return a bad word and a frown with a smile and kind gesture.

    as well,some of you may remember when matt's friend kind of turned on him driving a wedge between them because of truly stupid shit. one evening i was sitting on my back deck watching the sun go down and matt pulled up in the drive after work. he came up and sat down and i could tell something was wrong,thats when he told me about everything with ryan and me and my lack of sensibilities said something like kick his ass. matt shook his head and said no,i told him that i love him like a brother and will be there for him when he needs me. that's the way he had always been. anyway,he got up to go in the house and he stopped and turned to me and said 'you know all i want is to be free of all this hate and stuff,for all of this not to be going on. that's all i want is to be free from the hate and bad things'

    thinking about this now i like to think that matt 's free now. free from all the hate and bad things he disliked. he's free now to look after ALL his animals and do nice things and good deeds all over. if any of you have any intentions of sending flowers or something of that nature,i say instead of spending the money on flowers give it to a local charity or animal shelter or just go do something nice for someone,or adopt a pet from the shelter. i think thats the way matt would have wanted it.

    thank all of you for the kind words and your prayers,it means alot to me to know that my friend and my cousin matt meant something to you guys. i have no doubts matt is smiling down upon all of you.

  4. boxerpuncher

    boxerpuncher Undisputed Champion

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Oh my God I've been really busy at work today so I'm just now getting wind of this. I truly don't know what to say. You chill on here with people and it becomes almost like you know them outside of the realm of this forum. My hear truly goes out to him and all of his loved ones. He was always a down to earth guy who really added something to this place. My deepest sympathies. He'll be sorely missed. The best way I can describe him right now is to say that he seemed really R-E-A-L. I'm truly stunned. A sad, sad day.
  5. sexymarie

    sexymarie Scrub

    Dec 4, 2002
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    i gotta get off for a while...this is something I don't deal w/ very well.

    please, like you said in pm, Scott...let me know where I can send the card to...ok?

    you and your family have my wishes and sincerest regards.

  6. bam^^^

    bam^^^ WBC Champion

    Dec 29, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i'd like to say thank you to everyone here today for letting me say what i wanted to say regarding matt and thank you all for the kindness and warmth you have shown today. i have to gp pick up some family today so i'll have to leave soon,however let me leave you with a couple of stories about matt that truly speak of the person he was.

    first off alot of you know of the troubles we have experienced here regarding some of the racist people that have moved in around here and the things that had been going on. well,a month or so ago one of these neighbors house burned to the ground and they lost everything. me,being the ass i am,had a fuck 'em type attitude toward it all and i told this to matt. matt smacked me in the head and went on to tell me how wrong i was for being like that. matt then proceeded to gather up some of his things like new/old clothing and such (he ended up with two big boxes full of stuff) and went and took $100 from his bank account. he took this stuff to those people which,just a week before had called him a 'stupid nagger' and such other classless things,and gave it all to them. i wouldn't have been able to do that,but that was matt. repay anger with kindness,return a bad word and a frown with a smile and kind gesture.

    as well,some of you may remember when matt's friend kind of turned on him driving a wedge between them because of truly stupid shit. one evening i was sitting on my back deck watching the sun go down and matt pulled up in the drive after work. he came up and sat down and i could tell something was wrong,thats when he told me about everything with ryan and me and my lack of sensibilities said something like kick his ass. matt shook his head and said no,i told him that i love him like a brother and will be there for him when he needs me. that's the way he had always been. anyway,he got up to go in the house and he stopped and turned to me and said 'you know all i want is to be free of all this hate and stuff,for all of this not to be going on. that's all i want is to be free from the hate and bad things'

    thinking about this now i like to think that matt 's free now. free from all the hate and bad things he disliked. he's free now to look after ALL his animals and do nice things and good deeds all over. if any of you have any intentions of sending flowers or something of that nature,i say instead of spending the money on flowers give it to a local charity or animal shelter or just go do something nice for someone,or adopt a pet from the shelter. i think thats the way matt would have wanted it.

    thank all of you for the kind words and your prayers,it means alot to me to know that my friend and my cousin matt meant something to you guys. i have no doubts matt is smiling down upon all of you.

    scott [/b][/quote]
    Im so frusterated... i never have met or talked to anyone before that has died. Knowing how good of a person he was just makes this harder. What a sad day.
  7. boxerdog

    boxerdog Guest

    I can't believe this. It always knocks the wind out of you when it is so sudden. What city or town are you guys in, Mr. X? Is a particular funeral home in charge yet?

    And again, I have to ask.......didn't you tell me once that you were ChukkDog's cousin? If so, even worse.
  8. atomicdOGg34

    atomicdOGg34 "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Nov 29, 2002
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    my condolences to his family, friends, and everyone that knew him thats grieving

    losing someone is never easy, ive been through it several times in my young life so far and its something you never really get used to

    i didnt really know him that well but he seemed like a super nice guy and his contribution to animals in need is something that is damn respectable and something for everyone to be proud of

    i wish everyone well in this time of mourning and leave you with this poem that i found helpful during some of my dark hours grieving:

    Do not stand at my grave and weep,
    I am not there, I do not sleep.

    I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glint on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.

    When you wake in the morning hush,
    I am the swift, uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circling flight.
    I am the soft starlight at night.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep.
    I am not there, I do not sleep.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry.
    I am not there, I did not die!
    Mary Frye (1932)

    and this version as well:

    Do not stand at my grave and weep.
    I am not there, I do not sleep.

    I am the song that will never end.
    I am the love of family and friend.
    I am the child who has come to rest
    In the arms of the Father who knows him best.

    When you see the sunset fair,
    I am the scented evening air.
    I am the joy of a task well done.
    I am the glow of the setting sun.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep.
    I am not there, I do not sleep.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry.
    I am not there, I did not die!
    Wilbur Skeels (1996)

    -Al Baker aka atomicdogg34
  9. Eaner v2.0

    Eaner v2.0 WBC Champion

    Dec 12, 2002
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    something I wanted to share with some of you.

    I was talking to bam about this and I thought I would post it here. It amazes me how much we are truely a part of some community here on this board and even moreso in TAA. I never thought someone who I have never met could affect me in such a way that my emotions get exposed. I genuinely hurt today because I lost a dear friend of mine.

    Having heard about Wolf's untimely passing made me realize that even though we are mere pixels and words behind those words are real people. I remember him being one of the first to PM me asking about whether my daughter had been born yet and I was truely touched that he cared enough to ask.

    Having never met the man we called Wolf will never take away the fact that I am proud to have called him my friend. I truely a better person having known him.

    Thanks Matt (Wolf) for being the person you are. I am glad to have known you.
  10. Punchstat

    Punchstat Scrub

    Jul 18, 2003
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  11. Lupe Suarez

    Lupe Suarez Guest

    Good stuff from everyone. I am truly pleased at the show of affection for our brother, Wolf.
  12. The Ripper

    The Ripper Leap-Amateur

    Dec 13, 2002
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    I rarely post here, and I usually only read posts, but I remember liking Wolf since he started posting here for what he did with and for animals, what a sad day. RIP Wolf
  13. Eaner v2.0

    Eaner v2.0 WBC Champion

    Dec 12, 2002
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  14. Whaler

    Whaler Scrub

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Same thing I said on the other thread:

    R.I.P. Matt/Wolf

    I didn't get to know you directly, since I mainly post about boxing, but I respected you from afar. The nice things that people say when someone passes on are often an exaggeration, but not in your case. You were always able to show your compassion and humanity across a medium as impersonal as the internet. That speaks volumes.


    One of the truly good guys has gone on to a better place.
  15. copernicus

    copernicus Scrub

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Wow....what a thing to wake up to. It's a bit of a shock, a bloody big shock really. He was a stand-up guy - it goes without saying that he'll be sorely missed :mellow:
  16. hello all -

    i have not been posting here that long and didnt know of how much all of you guys meant to each other. it means alot to me to know the level of love and respect you had for my cousin matthew. just this weekend we had planned to go to the chimneys in gatlinburg to release a couple of squirrels he had nursed back to health. it makes me very sad to know i had promised him to that many times,yet when it came down to the time to go i always backed out because i had partied too hard the night before.

    the thing i will miss most about matthew is his smile. he genuinely smiled all the time. his best smiles were after he had done something nice for someone and saw how happy it made him it truly warmed his heart to please others and help. he always smiled very big when he was working with animals especially when he saw an injured animal would make it and pull through and be able to run free again,or that its owner would be able to love on it once more.

    the last image i will have of matthew is the last time i took him dinner to the animal refuge. he was standing there holding a baby coyote up with this huge smile on his face. i will miss seeing matts face and seeing his beautiful smile. if i live a thousand lifetimes ill never be a fraction of the awesome person matthew was.

    our family genuinely appreciates all of your heartfelt words and the love behind them can be felt. thank you.

  17. bam^^^

    bam^^^ WBC Champion

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Orange County, Ca
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> something I wanted to share with some of you.

    I was talking to bam about this and I thought I would post it here. It amazes me how much we are truely a part of some community here on this board and even moreso in TAA. I never thought someone who I have never met could affect me in such a way that my emotions get exposed. I genuinely hurt today because I lost a dear friend of mine.

    Having heard about Wolf's untimely passing made me realize that even though we are mere pixels and words behind those words are real people. I remember him being one of the first to PM me asking about whether my daughter had been born yet and I was truely touched that he cared enough to ask.

    Having never met the man we called Wolf will never take away the fact that I am proud to have called him my friend. I truely a better person having known him.

    Thanks Matt (Wolf) for being the person you are. I am glad to have known you. [/b][/quote]
    so true
  18. Son of Payton

    Son of Payton Banned

    Dec 24, 2002
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> hello all -

    i have not been posting here that long and didnt know of how much all of you guys meant to each other. it means alot to me to know the level of love and respect you had for my cousin matthew. just this weekend we had planned to go to the chimneys in gatlinburg to release a couple of squirrels he had nursed back to health. it makes me very sad to know i had promised him to that many times,yet when it came down to the time to go i always backed out because i had partied too hard the night before.

    the thing i will miss most about matthew is his smile. he genuinely smiled all the time. his best smiles were after he had done something nice for someone and saw how happy it made him it truly warmed his heart to please others and help. he always smiled very big when he was working with animals especially when he saw an injured animal would make it and pull through and be able to run free again,or that its owner would be able to love on it once more.

    the last image i will have of matthew is the last time i took him dinner to the animal refuge. he was standing there holding a baby coyote up with this huge smile on his face. i will miss seeing matts face and seeing his beautiful smile. if i live a thousand lifetimes ill never be a fraction of the awesome person matthew was.

    our family genuinely appreciates all of your heartfelt words and the love behind them can be felt. thank you.

    -shana [/b][/quote]
    If you or "X" need anything more, just let us all know. You have our most heartfelt condolensces.
  19. phonetap

    phonetap Undisputed Champion

    Jan 2, 2003
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    phonetap is going to turn off the 3rd party shit for a minute here:

    i hope to god almighty this isn't a joke because this terrible. i didn't know the guy but i'll take the word of it from people here that he was a good man indeed. words can't properly express how i really feel right not but my deepest condolences go out to wolf's family, friends and any who cared for him...
  20. i very rarely post here but read often......i was impressed with wolf's compassion for both animals and people as well.... i find myself choked up reading the previous posts.... i feel my sadness lies in not having the oppportunity to know prayers got out ot his family and friends....
  21. After all that has been said here, I will just say that matt will be missed everywhere.

    He lives in all the people he touched and all the animals he saved.

    R.I.P. Matt

  22. Matchup_Analyzer

    Matchup_Analyzer Keyboard Warrior

    Sep 26, 2003
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    My condolences on your family's loss, this world definitely needs more people like Matt, a dedicated man who cared for lives. I can honestly say that whenever I hear the howl of a wolf I'll think about the fellow board member whos life was cut short...

    From what I have read about Matt, I truly think he is a Saint, a person on his feet helping others get on their individual like that is hard to come by in this life..........God Bless
  23. oooh jackie lad

    oooh jackie lad Leap-Amateur

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Even though I didn't know you, I'm sure you were a good guy. R.I.P.
  24. salaco

    salaco Undisputed Champion

    Nov 27, 2002
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    RIP Wolf...He seemed like a standup-guy and passionate about his interests and calling...a terrible shame...
  25. Muzse

    Muzse "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 8, 2003
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    R.I. P. Wolf.

    You'll be missed.


  26. Mr X

    Mr X Guest

    Hey all,I said I'd come back and post when I knew the arrangements and that is precisely what I had intended to do,however no one can locate Matt's mom. I called her again yesterday evening to see about what she had gotten done for the arrangements because I had to arrange for transport of Matt and I had gotten no answer. This morning no one knows where she's at so we're taking off at about 2 to head up there and make the arrangements ourselves.

    For those who gave me their phonenumbers I'll call you guys with the arrangements as soon as they're made.
  27. Mr X

    Mr X Guest

    For those it concerns,we are having a family service in virginia then having another seperate service here in Gatlinburg,Tennessee on Sunday for friends and others who couldn't go to Virginia. I'll be back home Friday to arrange for the service Sunday and I'll let everyone know what the exact arrangements are.

    Thanks again everyone.

  28. IronDanLaw

    IronDanLaw Undisputed Champion

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ive just read this and im shocked.

    R.I.P Wolf.

    You wont be forgotten on this board and you'll certainly be missed.
  29. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    Wow, how horrible.

    The poor kid.

    Even though Wolf and I had our disagreements (typical message board bullshit) , I must say that as an animal lover, I always respected what he did.

    My heart goes out to his friends and family, as well as the many innocent creatures he selflessley devoted himself to.

    May he rest in peace.

  30. Joe King

    Joe King WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Las Vegas
    Damn. Sad. RIP bro.

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