Only Canadians care about hockey. Outside of Canada, people crap on it. Pro wrestling on the other hand is a worldwide phenomena that most adults watched at one time or another in their lives. Bret would kill Wayne in a fight easily. Bret plays hockey too, has his own team. He'd beat up Wayne both in the ring and on the ice.:holla:
You're right, only Canadians care about hockey. Are you retarded? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard anybody talking about sports say. Check the number of U.S. teams and then the number of Canadian teams. Check the number of Europeans who play in the league. Hockey is a world sport, not some soap opera for trailer trash. :jester: I never thought you were this uneducated, Hanzy. :nixweiss:
Then I guess American football, rugby, and basketball are girl sports because there's just as much physical contact (except for offensive and defensive linemen perhaps). :nixweiss:
St. Pierre will KO Matt Hughes and it won't be a shock to me. I've always held that Matt Hughes IS and ALWAYS WILL BE a wrestler first before anything else. I don't care how much he works on his hands. He's off balance when he moves, and continuously crosses his feet and can't punch for shit. GSP had his ass in the first fight til they went to the ground where his kimura attempt was countered with an arm bar. As Hanzy said, Hughes strength is his biggest asset. Stuff his take down attempts, control his head in the clinch with knees, and box his ass as he's not hard to hit clean, hard, and OFTEN. GSP has all the tools and perfect style to do this.