I've got a Q&A set up with Mike "Quick" Swick.....any questions you want answered, post here, and I'll pass some of them along.... And LOK, Mike already told me to tell you his DILZ is bigger than yours, so no need to ask
Questions for Swick: -Have you ever felt an urge to run into the stands and kill some of those fans who are booing the action during a fight? -What was your first thought when you saw the UFC 185lb champion get completely annhilated at the hands of Anderson Silva? -Do you believe Ken Shamrock truly deserves to be considered a legend and a Hall of Famer when looking at his W/L record and the quality of his competition? -How do you escape the clinch of a muay fighter like Anderson Silva when he's clinching you and striking you with knees to the body and face? Rich Franklin didn't know how. -Does Matt Hughes have a chance to make it at 185? -What are your thoughts of Tim Sylvia's fighting skills? Do you think he's just a big bum with a good punch, or do you think he's got a great skillset with unlimited potential?
Tell him what Rashad Evans told FightBeat: JB: What about David Loiseau v. Mike Swick? RE: I like Loiseau, and I say that because Swick is finishing everybody so fast. You never know how long he can go and what he can do, but I think Loiseau will get on top of him, or from the bottom position he will cut him, cause he has vicious elbows.
Loiseau might be shot. He was shown up rather badly in his almost non-effort vs. Franklin and took a terrible beating in the process. Needless to say, it does go without saying that if you end up underneath Loiseau...you're probably fucked. The elbows are wicked. I think they should be banned quite frankly. They're a way too lethal weapon and cause fight ending cuts on impact alot of the time. How the NSAC can allow elbows and not knees is beyond me.
More questions for Mike Swick: -Do you think geemoney will be the heavyweight champ of the world in 2007?(post a pic of geemoney when asking this question) -Could you submit 2 raging pitbulls with your bare hands? -Is Cupey shot? -Will FightBeat become the #1 boxing and MMA board soon? -Do you think nut grabbing, eye gouging, hair pulling, scratching and biting should be legalized in the UFC? -Did you ever have remorse towards a fighter? -Have you ever considered snapping an opponent's arm or leg just to send them a message, so that they'll never forget the name MIKE SWICK?