I just read on another board that Fedor beat Hunt. Is it true? Was it by KO? What happened in the underacrd?
... Fedor subbed him but I heard he had some issues on the ground with Hunt. That kinda shocks me :jester: Gomi destroyed Ishida (surprised Gomi won easy), Nog beat Barnett by legit dec and Melendez got a gift from what I understand over Kawajiri. Heard it was a great fight though.
Im watching this now. This fight Josh Barnett vs Helgera (think thats his name) is a good fight. Better then any fight on the UFC 66 card.
Noguiera. I agree, Pride is way better than the UFC, especially cause of the rules imposed by the athletic comission on event held in the US. I hate the no 4 point attack rule (stomp, knee and kick to downed opponent), as it make it too hard to stop a fighter who'se turtl;ing. We just have to look at the Liddell-ortiz fight to see the absurdity of the rule. Liddell was in position to decapitate ortiz with a kicik, but instead, he had to punch at him like a moron. hunt almost finish9ing fedor with the keylock was pretty insane The colossus vs Yoshida was a slugfest, and a pretty big upset
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8538543427960289262&q=emelianenko+-+hunt great fight, Pride's fans seem to appreciate ground/submission fighting more than the UFC fans. I obviously know about Fedor, but Mark Hunt looks like he can fight a bit, as well.
I cant believe how good hunt looked on the ground.....he made some serious strides since his last few fights......getting out of that first armbar was shocking enough, but almost having Fedor subbed himself is just redic. good card, melendez vs kawajiri was a good fight shoguns ground game looks even better
Hunt took Cro Cop's best kick and still made him run like a bitch! He's got an anvil for a head. He also does the atomic butt drop (damn near got Silva with it) and has tried coming down, after jumping, on his opponents chest using all of his weight with BOTH knees Tony Jaa style.