Could go either way, but I think Shavers would lay him out. Bruno would probably get Shavers in trouble, then get nailed with a right hand, and freeze up and get KTFO. Shavers KO 3.
I think if Bruno uses the jab and boxes cautiously(ala Bruno-McCall) he might win in the late rounds. Otherwise Shavers murderizes him.
This is a bad fight for Bruno. He is easy to hit and has a shaky chin. If Bruno can get past the first few rounds, he might be able to drag Shavers into the later rounds but it's more likely that Shavers catches him early and bangs him out in the first few rounds.
True, neither fighter was know for their endurance. Bruno was thought of as a fighter with a questionable chin, but if you look at his fights(not counting the second Tyson fight where he was looking for a place to sit down) Bruno's chin seemed ok until he seemed worn out. ie Bonecrusher, Witherspoon, Tyson I, Lewis. Excluding the McCall fight his problems always started in the later rounds.
Bruno has more power but Shavers can pace himself better. Unless 'Bonkers' can land big, early...then 'The Acorn' drops and stops FB late...
Yep. But don't take my word for it...listen to the people who know @ 06:55: <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> And let's be honest here - these guys aren't modern-day Internet keyboard warriors who think they know everything about anything. Just sayin'...
Results should speak for themselves. So, because a common opponent says that Bruno hits harder than Foreman, you probably now believe that Bruno was a bigger puncher than George as well, huh? Despite already KNOWING it's not true. If Franz Brotha gave an interview and claimed that Shannon Briggs hits harder than Lewis and Tyson, would you believe him? In Bruno's defense, he could indeed crack. He hurt Tyson with one left hook, so yeah, the power was there. A bigger puncher than Shavers/Foreman though? No.
Foreman was fluid in the ring, almost casual when letting the punches go.... Maybe Bruno was one of those guys who had such power in training, and sparring. When it came to fight night, he definately looked like he was a bag of nerves sometimes and tensed-up....which would explain this. I will say this: Bruno was the only guy I saw wobble McCall with a right-hand early in '95....he went into a shell for the rest of that fight.
Bonkers Power: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Nothing bonkers about Bruno's power. I'm sorry. He was a big puncher, but not a great puncher. If you compare him to Foreman and Bowe... his power would be closer to the level of Bowe's than the level of Foreman's.
Disagree. Bruno was equal to Foreman in terms of natural power - the only difference is, when Bruno connected, the opponent usually stayed down. Like Ali said pre-Zaire, look at the guys Foreman has fought and beat - he never knocked them out. They usually got up, multiple times: Frazier - knocked down 6 times but not out. Norton - knocked down three times, referee stopped with Norton on his feet Ali - couldnt even wobble him Lyle - knoked down three times...four times? Gets up. Bruno put mutherfuckers to sleep, ala sleep. I think you guys get all misty-eyed like Norman 'Cunt' Mailer in 'When We Were Cunts' blabbering on and on about 'Foreman hitting the heavy bag' :blah: and seeing little Dick Sadler holdong on to it.... ::
BTW, there was once a measured 'punch-power' stat in the late 80s and the results were as follows: Bruno #1 at 535 PSI Foreman 2nd at 520PSI Ruddock 3rd at 495PSI Tyson 4th at 480PSI I think you guys are getting confused over power + speed as well....Bruno was slow as molasses.
Bruno had enormous power. A lot more power than Bowe imo. He was slow and stiff, so he wasnt that good of a ko artist, but his power was as good as it get. considering that he was much bigger than Shavers, i wouldnt be surprised if he actually hit harder. As for the fight itself, this could go either way. Gun to my head, i think that bruno size and jab would enable land to put Shavers to sleep in the early rounds, but i wouldnt be surprised to see Bruno getting caught by one of these looping right hand and getting koed
I think Shavers with one shot hit harder than anybody Foreman had the most effortless power of probably anybody ever
what? Effectiveness is part of the equation ... Landing the hardest punches you throw is part of having great power... The effect of those landed punches on your opponent is another part...