Assuming Hatton could pressure Rosario and take the return fire he would break Chapo down. Ricky might be able to do it because of the size advantage. Not 100% sure but it would be great to see.
It depends on the Rosario. He was a pretty inconsistent fighter. At their best, I would favor Rosario. If the cocaine was around, Rosario would get stopped.
Actually, Rosario had quite a few fights at jr. welterweight in the early-to-mid part of his career (Valdes and Ramos in '85, Montoya in '86, Brown in '87, and a whole string in '88). If you researched this stuff before you posted, you wouldn't look like such a "dumbass." :neener: :jester: Touche. As to the fight....I favor Rosario (unless cocaine was around, like Ike says :jester: ). Sharp, compact, devastating puncher and a very good stylist....I don't think Hatton can hit him to the head hard or often enough to discourage Rosario or put him down permanently or make him go into a shell - and Ricky would pay dearly for going to the body too much. He cuts Hatton up in a good fight where Ricky definitely has his moments - especially in the trenches. Peace.
Look, anyone can read Boxrec, but you need to have an understanding of the fighter. Did Rosario have a few fights above his natural weight limit? Sure. Most fighters do. Carlos Baldomir has had a few fights at 154. Does that mean he's a jr. middleweight? Jermaine Taylor only makes 160 for title fights. Does that mean he's a super middleweight? Bernard Hopkins fought at cruiserweight. Does that mean he's a cruiserweight? Rosario was NOT a true jr. welterweight until the end of his career, when he was gaining weight between fights and coking his way back down.
Funny how perspectives it's you accusing me of being too anal on the numbers. :jester: That was precisely my point: the issue was around the GIST of my post and the idea that PBF was taking on top-level talent "officially" at 135 for the 'first' time. You sounded just like I did up a hair-splitting legalist box-rec ranger. :jester: Do you really think PBF was a "true" lightweight when he took on Castillo? Really? If so, then we'd agree to disagree. That being said, you could have just SAID so. Your Taylor and Hopkins "examples" are not germane to the topic, and you know this...especially the way you phrased the Taylor one. I know Rosario well - he was one of my faves and I followed him. And I'm well aware of where he STARTED his career at in terms of weight. Peace.
And btw, I read the thread wrong....if the fight is at 140 with both men in the condition they are/were when they were officially campaigning at that weight...then you have to favor Hatton.
exactly! which is why it's ridiculous when people claim that Castillo is a welter-weight. you see this post Ike? this is for you. just because a fighter fights occasionally above his weight class doesn't mean he belongs full time in that weight class, or that he can't legitimately fight in a lower one.
Also, look at the men Rosario was fighting in his over-the-limit bouts. They were mostly stay-busy fights against clubfighters. No one even thought of ranking Rosario at 140 before 1990 or 1991. It's simply a poor understanding of the sport. When Sugar Ray Robinson was fighting at lightweight and then welterweight, he often fought two to five pounds above the limit in non-title fights.
ghfjdgs ghfjdgs Okay if fighters sometime fight at a high weight doesn't mean they belong at that weight...but if that fighter cannot make 135....and 140...then he belongs at 147!!! If Castillo killed himself training to make 135 in the 3rd Corrales fight, and was ONLY able to get to 140, it could mean that he can't even make 140 without fucking up his body. Which means he should be fighting at 147.
i don't think it's any of those. i think castillo will always have trouble making weight, whether he fights at 140 or 147. i think he tries to take the weight off too fast.
I think that the real reason Castillo couldn't make 135 in the rubber match was that his weigh-ins were given more scrutiny after Corrales-Castillo II. I doubt that fight was the first time he tried to monkey with the scales. For all we know, fixing the scales could've been something he did for much of his 135-pound career. Either way, he's shot.
Yes, MANY fighters do that, Rubio - including Mayweather. He was most certainly not fighting the luminaries of the sport at 135 when he was flirting with 131-132 or so. At all. they were "clubfighters." The only 'name' he fought above 130 was Augustus...who basically has always oscillated from like 134 - 140something. Don't talk down to me, Rubio. There's no need. YOU were the one implying that Mayweather somehow either wasn't a 130 lber. or was already a "true" 135 lber. when he fought Castillo by bringing this silly point up - not me. The point was that Castillo was Mayweather's first REAL fight officially at 135 - against a LEGIT, top-level Lightweight opponent. I did not (and do not) consider PBF a 'true' lightweight at that time. If you did based on those early fights, fine. We can disagree. Don't try to flip the point on its head now and make it a general dissertation on the "understanding of the sport"....which is what you want to do now that you got a taste of your own medicine. It's fine. And I never said Rosario was a "true" Jr. Welter either...again, that wasn't the point. Peace.
I read this part and skipped over the rest. That is just stupid, and so is Fightbeat for making you a mod. You have no understanding of the sport if you consider the drug-addicted, fight-throwing Augustus a "name," and not Zab Judah, who's had crossover appeal on MTV, and in a huge article in Sports Illustrated. Either you're stupid, or you're pretending to be stupid. Either way, I can't be bothered by an idiot like you. Go away.
Start over, I don't know what the fuck you're on about. When did I say that Mayweather wasn't a true lightweight against Castillo? He weighed 135 pounds or so. Why not? Sure, Castillo looked bigger, but why should the reason for that necessarily be that Mayweather wasn't a true lightweight? Isn't it also possible that Castillo looked larger because his team tampererd with the scales, like they did in the Corrales fight? What you're doing is seeing a difference in size and jumping to a conclusion with NO evidence, despite there being multiple possiblities. That is called a non-sequitur. Do a Google search on it, and come back when you can put forth your point rationally. Don't get angry at me because you can't think. he wouldn't... Hatton and Rosario would be a great fight....could go either way. Just because Mayweather beats him doesn't mean every fighter in mythical matchups now beats his ass...people are du,mb on this board.
at 140, I don't know Rosario was not exactly a sure thing at that weight I suppose he has the puncher's chance