Cory has some boxing skills and defense but sooner or later I see him getting caught and knocked silly. It would be a beautiful sight.
I don't see that happening. I think Spinks outboxes him to take a clear-cut decision. Jackson had some pop but I think he was a bit too slow and his offense was too simple to get past Spinks' defense
I tend to agree. Cory stunk out Mayorga (pre-Tito beating), and didn't seem to have any problems leaving Mayorga in the dust. Julian Jackson would need to place that power to knock out Spinks and he wasn't fast enough IMHO.
Comparing Jackson to Mayorga is simply stupid. Jackson did have good handspeed, and he was very skilled. He wasn't just a dumb punching machine. It took the uberslick Herol Graham to outbox Jackson, and even he was unsuccessful. I don't see how Spinks could succeed where Graham and Norris failed. The way to beat Jackson was through superior firepower or a better chin.
Only someone with a very remedial understanding of boxing would think Jackson could land his power on Spinks. Jackson < Judah in handspeed and it still took Judah almost an entire fight to place that power. Jackson = Overrated puncher who got stretched in his biggest fights. :loveballs:
Julian jackson at 154 would have stretched spinks.Look at Karmazin he is a tough basic fighter.He hurt spinks a couple times .I know julian jackson hit harder and faster then made in hell.
Giving Cory the benefit of the doubt, I'll say that he lasts six rounds before starting to fatigue because he'll have spent every last second running for his life. Jackson knocks him out cold soon thereafter.
Umm, Karmazin is more than just a "tough basic fighter", he was the world champion at 154 who dominated Kassim Ouma (more than Jermaine Taylor), and soundly outboxed Keith Holmes. He has good power, high activity, and stamina, how is this a "tough basic fighter"? What does that make Ouma and Holmes to be beaten by a basic fighter? Julian Jackson got strectched by Quincy Taylor (who Keith Holmes KTFO btw), and was destroyed by Verno Phillips. Spinks made Karmazin look foolish in there and taxed that ass. You can make any excuses you want but Spinks took that belt from a good fighter in Karmazin. I love how these random "basic intelligence" forum posters make up things about fighters so that they can fit these made up facts to their "basic" arguments.
Okay i'll define ''tough basic fighter'' He doesn't have exceptional speed his speed is satisfactory he doesn't have great power he has good power hwe doesn't have really good headmovement.He doesn't move laterally that well but he can use his large frame to position and impose himself well.He wasn't really blessed by the boxing gods in terms of athleticism but he is tough can take and give a good shot and uses the gifts he has very well.So there ya go bro tough basic fighter thats my definition.
And also Alabama man the supreme intellectual of the forum whose intelligence obviously blows all of ours out of the water.I don't think spinks made karmizin look foolish at all.In fact if i remember correctly and i'm sure other of us peasantposters on this forum remember also that karmazin spinks was a very close fight and the fight really could have gone either way.And I remember greg leon who is spinks good friend by the way said in a mailbag following the fight that it could have gone either way.Karmazin hurt or buzzed spinks a couple times.And there were a couple moments where I thought katrmazin could end it if he landed good follow up punches.So don't exaggerate the fight fight for your own arguments sake.
you mean like Spinks leaving Mayorga in the dust, and "taxing that ass" against Karmazin? Last I checked, both fights were majority decisions, and deservedly so.
Basic fighters don't beat 2 time Middleweight champions and destroy Top 3 fighters in their division. Your definition stinks. :loveballs:
Mayorga barely landed on Spinks and was hit at will by jabs and crosses all night, that fight wasn't even close. Karmazin - Spinks was admittedly closer but Spinks still tax that ass and took the belt. You guys can nit pick victories but Spinks has victories over both those guys and took their belts. B)
I'm not nitpicking either victory, just questioning your use of "taxed that ass," because Cory did no such thing to either fighter, in fact to anyone he's fought in the past 5 or so years.
Please. 6 rounds is way too much. Jackson would ice him in less than 3 rounds. Cory isnt THAT slick, and Jackson wasnt just some wild skilless swinger like Mayorga. Julian had very good technique with his power shots, and his hands were quick. He'd find Spinks relatively early, and when he did, it wouldnt be pretty at all for Cory. Jackson KO 2.
you're probably right, but that's why I prefaced my prediction with "Giving Cory the benefit of the doubt..."
Why wouldn't Jackson land? When I watch guys like Karmazin and Piccirillo land on Spinks that doesn't exactly make a convincing argument that jackson couldn't land any punches. Jackson had superior handspeed than both.
Yeah, Jackson got his ass kicked by Phillips when he was 38 years old and WAYYYYYYY past prime. Oh and the Taylor fight was at 160 and Jackson was 35 there so that don't hold much relevance either. Jackson had McCallum dancing around the ring in round 1. Saying he can't land and KO Spinks is silly. Especially with Spinks shit stamina.
Yeah Jackson might be able to land, I just had a problem with people calling Karmazin "a basic fighter" just to help their arguments. That guy was "the man" at 154 for a while. Since when did Karmazin become a second tier or crap fighter? :nixweiss: But the whole premise of a Jackson victory is based on whether he will land, and if Spinks doesn't slip up defensively like he didn't against Mayorga, I see Spinks skunking Jackson. Mike McCallum knocked the shit out of Jackson at 154, I love watching that fight over and over again. :jester:
no shit!:jester: And than AAlabama Man brings up McCallum/Jackson like Spinks is some steel-jawed 154-pound technician with a big punch:jester:
Hey Maybe you two can get jobs as boxing journalist since you're right about everything even mythical matchups which have no chance of happening. Look, it's the two most respected Fantasy Matchup columnist in the world, Cdogg and Fresh from the Asses. :2: :jester: