That's reasonable, my brother....but... Plenty of folks thought he would win....but the fact is he was retired for 3 years...and against a top PxP boxer like Wright, that wasn't going to cut it. And it was obvious to me Trinidad's heart wasn't in ALL. He wasn't nearly prepared for what Wright brought to the table, IMHO. And the will to dial it up when the going got rough wasn't there. Why wouldn't DLH fight Trinidad the way he fought Castillejo, Vargas, Campas, or Mosley? He fought them all very similarly....with the cross-defense and more flat-footed than ever. He could try to repeat the extreme movement he showed at 147, but I don't think he had the legs or stamina to do it at 154....against a Trinidad that would put on alot more pressure and pull the trigger faster, IMHO. I'm not sure he had that many options...or he would have changed tactics vs. Vargas and Mosley, especially. It's not always about whether each fight is "truly great", it's often just styles and/or physical attributes. Whether DLH was "clearly ahead" vs. Vargas isn't so much the point...Vargas was VERY MUCH in it (and was even coming on in the 10th after a lost 9th), and I only had DLH up by 2 pts, I think. Vargas was very competitive...more than he should have been for a DLH who would repeat against Trinidad at 154. And the Castillejo rights are relevant....they shouldn't have landed. So are the Mosley left hooks almost at will at 154 when he actually decided to throw them. And DLH will never fight anything like Wright, even if that fight was "relevant" and had happened while Trinidad was at 154 in prime....Wright is bigger, much stronger, with a totally different style. I dunno....I just see a prime 154 lb. Trinidad taking this one. Peace.
This is the equivalent of a boxer "smiling" to show he's not hurt... SURRENDER! FOLD! GIVE!!! :sportif3: :jester: