i'd go with Mayweather, assuming he's allowed to wear Winning gloves. if he's forced to use Reyes, then he busts his hands, and gets beat.
Mayweather wins with Azumah doing some good work (especially late) but not enough. Mayweather just too quick, too good a counterpuncher. I think he wins clean
:jester: :jester: :jester: its a damn shame you arent forced to wear 10 ounce winning gloves while posting on fightbeat. that might cut into the malarchy you persistently post by at least 95%
what? you think if PBF busts his hands like he did against Hernandez that he doesn't lose to Nelson? i realize anytime anyone says anything about PBF other than proxlaiming him invincible that you disagree, but what facts are facts.
"assuming he's allowed to wear Winning gloves" same difference. The implacation is the same. So, phrase it a different way: Has Floyd lost each time he hasn't worn these gloves?
that's not the question. the question is, if Floyd were not wearing his winning gloves, and as a result broke his hands as he did on many occasions, would he be able to beat someone as tough and as determined as Nelson? not sure why or how you've taken my rather specific and unambiguous prediction and tried to claim that it's saying something that it clearly is not.
you said if he's not wearing those gloves, he breaks his hand and loses. The implication is obvious: Floyd doesn't wear Winning gloves, he breaks his hand and he loses. I want you to quit talking shit and back that statement up with some cold hard facts
so if i predict it, then i'm implying that it's happened in every case, without exception? i never said PBF broke his hands everytime he fought without Winning gloves. but against tough guys with solid chins and leaky defense, it's likely in PBF's case that he would bust his hands, as he did against Hernandez. you're basically wanting me to turn around and say i was wrong, that PBF would not have busted his hands against Nelson, and that he wouldn't lose to him as a result. i disagree. i think he would've. and hence my prediction. live with it.
you sight one example of Mayweather breaking his hand. In a fight he won easily, and that's supposed to mean something? This is the equivalent of saying Cornelius Boza Edwards wins an MM "as long as he doesn't shit his pants"
:jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: are you disputing that PBF's hands weren't fragile? and that when he broke them it was only his talent and ability that got him through? how many times do you think he busted his hands in a fight at 130?
What a dumb argument - though I love you all. :jester: Double basically said that as long as his hands hold up, PBF wins. As far as I can tell, that means he picked Mayweather. Peace.
:jester: i know. that's not good enough apparently. what they want from me is an assurance that under all possible circumstances, PBF wins. i don't believe it.
how many times did he ever even come close to losing because of it? That's the question I am asking you And you have to admit the Boza comment was funny:jester:
It's the same thing as when we say "barring cuts..." PBF beats Nelson - that's what I understood. Not sure I AGREE, but that's what Double L thinks. :1:
Barring cuts if we were talking about someone like Jose Napoles, because he DID lose because of cuts. Floyd Mayweather has never come close to losing because of a broken hand, so we're talking about an event that is, in and of itself, unfounded. like "barring being knocked down two or three times, Juan LaPorte wins" there's no precedent for the prediction, that's my point. I really think double is just looking for a way to slag Mayweather again
there's no precedent for PBF busting his hands? uh, yes there is. there's no precedent for his losing due to it, but then again, there's no precedent for his fighting anyone as tough and as determined as Nelson either.
I've always liked that about you. We agree on boxing about 15% of the time and we abuse one another a lot (always have) but you do have a good sense of humor:2:
I think he has shown he can overcome it and still perform in a dominant fashion. Even if he busts a hand, he still has the skillset, defensive acuity and athleticism to avoid Azumah's punches and dictate the tempo with the jab
I ain't so sure about this fight....Nelson does alot of things that would put a young PBF very much outside of his comfort zone.... And Azumah would have a big edge in experience.
Emmanuel Burton was just as tough and determined as Azuma Nelson. Just stop posting on this thread. You're pulling a Boza, yourself.
Hey, it's true. I've been picking on Double for years now and he takes in stride. A lot of people don't. It's a commendable trait.