That was wrong by Gibson, taking a point away this early. Very poor officiating, Bojado is turning that hook over nice.
Fat Boy Gibson has already made his mind up to dq the Colombian for low blows, which really look unintentional.
The Colombian drilled Bojado with several flush right hands, but Gibson won't let him fight much. He is breaking these guys much too early.
Beautiful move by Bojado towards the end of the round sliding over and going over and under. It's all Bojado now.
Bojado is making some pretty moves in there and takes round five, but the Colombian is not backing down and is in shape.
Bojado's mouth was wide open in round six, and the Colombian took that round, IMO despite a heavy hook underneath by Panchito.
Bojado is gassed, man. That Mexican flag mouthpiece he wears is howing pure white down the middle, and this is not a walk in the park for him.
It's over. Pretty good fight. Bojado won pretty clearly with a few rough spots, almost down in the 9th.
Bojado needs to do more homework on the road and on the treadmill and stairmaster. No reason for him to be in heavy breathing from the fifth round on as young as he is.
Panchito has a long way to go, and sure as heck didn't frighten anyone tonight off of this performance.