Hey whats up. just stopping in to see how much of that paycheck is going on a bet this weekend with mayweather and oscar. i got 50 riding on mayweather so lets hope he wins. where are people working these days to pay for bets. i know some people who spend 1000's on bets without worrying. crazy
I haven't gambled on boxing for years. I was never big on doing that but I always like putting money on certain fights. I got robbes a couple of times for bogus decisions so fuck it. :doh:
Can i still bet ONLINE?....i got an account somewhere..don't remember the site....it's empty anyway...opcorn:
When I bet, I usually look to make a 10% return on my investments. Sometimes I hit it big, sometimes I make a little bit of money, and sometimes I lose. I try at least to come out ahead each month, but sometimes I'm down a little. I'm not trying to make it rich; I'm just trying to have fun without going broke.
I always told myself that I wouldn't be one of those idiot betters who'd go broke trying to get rich.
All I worry about is not losing at the end of the month. I won on Mijares, but lost on Freitas, and came out ahead - more than 10%, of course. I pick my bets.
Betting too many lines ends up making it quite hard to pull in front for long periods of time, unless you bet to protect. Obscure props will do it to you every time.
I'm not betting on this fight as I dislike both Bedwetter and DLH So how is your philosophy Doc? "real women don't speak much and give it up, and real men pay their debts" ::
What was his view? I only read "No Exit." I am a Francophobe so although I thought it was good, the fact that Sartre was French was off putting. I am morbidly curious so I am asking. I fear that I will get the same info by doing a google search keywords "what was Sarte's view on Women?" Still, the methodone is kicking in and I am relaxed.
I used his definitions of "love" and "lust." In "lust," the woman is merely a means to an end. In "love," the woman herself is the end. I compared his definition of "love" to the martial arts, and "lust" to martial sports, like wrestling, boxing and MMA. There was something along the lines of those two definitions near the end of American Pie, which is an underrated movie.
I wonder why Ashes said I had a view similar to that. I just think women's worth is in giving me their vaginas. A girl who is hot and says I am not her type, is no longer hot to me. I can talk to anyone. I can only fuck women. Is this a primative view? I always assumed everyone thought that they just couldn't say it.
Ive gone small on DLH by stoppage only due to the value there. Mayweather is paying less for a stoppage then DLH ::::::
In a weak moment, I was attracted to that line, myself. I've only bet one line on the fight, Mayweather.