YES,Floyd COULD have Been MORE Offensive Minded,but Considering he was the SMALLER Guy,How can U Blame Him for his Tactics???:dunno: Check the PUNCHSTATS & SHUTtheFUCKUP,Bitches...Floyd EASILY Outlanded Dela...By a CONSIDERABLE Margin... EASILY!!!... DeLa ONLY Opened Up on when Floyd was On the Ropes... Even Millie KNEW that DeLa LOST Tonight... Thanks N ADVANCE 4 the Sig Space,DOUBLE L...REED'll Wait til MONDAY Morning,B 4 U have to PAY UP... YOUR Favorite Fighter CLEARLY LOST to 1 of your LEAST Favorite Fighters:tease: ...Suck on THAT,Homey.... REED:bears:
Mayweather 7-5...close fight. Mayweather did what he had to do..and like expected DLH tired down the stretch like a bitch....and for no apperance reason..because Mayweather wasn't doing shit to the body early.... FORGET a REMATCH.....let bring on MOSLEY vs. SEPTEMBER...:bears:
Don't bring up compubox, it's bullshit. I didn't like Floyd going on about that shit either. Number of punches blah blah blah. Floyd won 7-5 IMO but let's get off this compubox nonsense. It's a highly dubious measure.
Sure,N GENERAL,Compu-Box ISN'T a True Measure... But N This PARTICULAR Fight,DeLa DICKRIDERS See Floyd Moving BACKWARDS,yet they IGNORE the FACT that Floyd OUTLANDED his Ass by what???...70-80 Punches???... REED:dunno:
....that puss will run into retirement faster than the way he did from Castillo 2, Bladimir, and now DLH.
1st of All,PLEASE Downsize the Length of your Sig...The Shit is IRRITATING... 2nd,SURE,DeLa was IN The Fight til about the 10th Round...After that,"Britch Shitting" Time was OVER,Cause Floyd CLEARLY Closed the Fight N STRONGER Fashion.... REED
your a funny dude cupey, i bet your home laughing, i know u dont believe what u say thats why its so funny
dsimon writes: No that is just plain bullshit called by a certain bandwagon on fightbeat I may add. Sorry ortho no racial angle here... but I am sure you can invent one. A fix is a fix pure and simple
One judge scored the 12th round for Floyd, if they scored it like they were supposed to, it woul be a draw ::
I haven't seen the fight so I can't comment, :nono:, but the sheer hate generated over his forearm/elbow/palming/back turning illegal defensive style and running tactics alongside his vile personality traits, endorsed by his irritatingly stupid psychophants who unconditionally support his matchmaking decisions and the senseless contradicting retort he spits at boxing fans, commentators, the media and the like, could've well distorted my inner thoughts about his durability, nevertheless I'll have to watch the apparently eye-busting affair for myself, for I was once of the understanding Fraud pulled out a 'close fight' against Castillo a while ago in thier original encounter, only to be SHOCKED by Castillo winning very clearly, you just can't trust the opinion of Fraud groupies around here,..:nono: and by the way,.. 'SD' for Fraud is a score very much in sync with Oscar bringing attention to / appeasing, his newly signed prosperous little bread winner for his ever expanding franchise,.. the fix could still have very well been in,..'lack of action' and 'jerkyness' is a sign of script play for example, but firstly I'll have to try and muster the courage up to watch the apparently typically stinking Fraud-fight for myself before ellaborating on that any further..:nono:
Back turning, he did that SEVERAL times whil almost laying on the sure you didn't see it ::
R YOU Richard Schaeffer???....Joel DeLa Hoya Sr or Jr.???:dunno: ... Floyd CLEARLY Won the Fight...CLEARLY!!!...SUCK it Up & GET OVER IT,Homey... REED
Floyd won, but he was simply the less average of the two guys in there. Neither man showered themselves with glory in this fight. As predicted, it was extremely average.
Legitimate 5 division champion (no mickey mouse belts) Has anyone else ever done this? Editted to add: and NO Ray Leonard's two divisions in one fight don't count!
130...135...147...legit....WAS DLH the legit champ at 154?....and he didn't beat the CHAMPION at 140...
Your being very harsh, it was a good fight. I know alot of the haters will probably expecting Floyd to run, but he didnt at all! He stood his ground, let Oscar throw his flurries, then countered him. I give Oscar credit for doing better than expected.
Brotha Reed, Can I ask you a question. How in the hell can a fighter run from another fighter but yet outland your opponent 138-82 in power shots and 207-122. How in the hell is that possible. As a matter of fact he fought DLH more in the pocket then he did against Baldomir. He also fought more in the pocket against DLH then what DLH did against Tito. Once again how in the hell PBF do that? I'll Holla 5000