Oscar will cry for one, Floyd will think about the extra 20million and say..."Hell yeah". Floyd will stop Oscar this time.
I would make the fight at 147 and I would only take the fight if he could wear his own gloves. I'll Holla 5000
If there is a rematch, Floyd will make him quit. I want Floyd to move up and fight Taylor. I think Floyd can beat anyone from 175 and Below.
Wow. I don't know man. I guess with his speed and defence, anything is possible but I don't think he could hurt any of these guys (he wobbled DLH) and he'd have a hard time keeping them off him without that.
So unnecessary. He already convincingly beat him once. What need is there for him to do it again??... The only thing this is for is to embarass Oscar more.
Floyd is GREAT, but he's not beating Hopkins, Jones, Wright, Calzaghe or Jermaine Taylor. No way, jose. As William Joppy would say: The bus stops at 154.
It´s funny how Floyd said he´s definitely retired and nobody even gave a crap, and it only took Floyd 11 hours to unretire. :laughing: :laughing:
A rematch now with SR in Oscar's corner and he beats him AGAIN! WHo CARES? Miranda-Pavlik now that's a fight. Mayweather :shit:
If that were true then nobody would've reported on it in the first place; we would've only heard DLH's side (which is not uncommon for entities like ESPN or USA today). Just because we want him to leave and he's not DLH, doesn't mean he's in total obscurity either. It's not that black and white anymore.
Is that a threat? No fucking way, would I watch it nor would I pay to watch Lance Stinkweather again.
Calzaghe would sodomize Floyd as well. I think he could beat JT though, only because he sucks. I think Gf should have said 160 and below although a real strong middleweight might hurt him.
I don't wanna see it. A fighter clearly won in a boring fight... since when is that a reason to make a rematch?
:nono: De La Hoya is still el jefe.....all negotiations will still go his way. but fuck this...nobody wants to see a rematch....Mayweather should move on to Mosley, Cotto, Margarito, Hatton...etc...etc... and De La Hoya should move on to be a GREAT Promoter..make some kind of deal with one of the tv networks and BRING boxing back to GLORY...
It would be nice to see Floyd finish his career with 2 of those names at least... you have to wonder how much money is HBO gonna be willing to put on the table to make them happen.
Yeah, i know some of them might be easy opponents..and people will say Mayweather will beat them easily, but he HAS to fight those guys...if everythng goes according to plan..Cotto, Margarito, Hatton will defeat their next opponents and will be SET to fight Mayweather at any time... victories over those guys and MOSLEY will really help Mayweather standing in an all time list....but he needs to get Cotto and Hatton now that they are undefeated...
don't be full of shit slystaff....if any improvements can be made..it will be made by De La Hoya...everytime he used his jab he was driving mayweather backwards..its when he came in without the jab he would let floyd get off first with harmless yet scoring punches i had floyd by 2 points but Hoya gave the fight away
none of those guys are worthy of fighting Floyd because he proved last night he is better than Ali remember? :laughing: as talented as Floyd is I really don't care to see him again on lackluster performances.
Yeah, and he was eating counter right hands. Floyd's bread and butter inside is countering the left jab with the overhand right, just like Roy Jones used to. Oscar used the jab effectively for about one round, but most of the time, it simply didn't work for him.
Taylor's jab alone would be enough to beat Mayweather. Of course, all Taylor has is a jab, so that's not saying much.