Hagler-Hearns or Corrales-Castillo I? Someone brought this up in another thread, and Jaws asked me to start a new topic about it. I vote for Hagler-Hearns, because Hagler didn't need to spit out his mouthpiece to get extra time, and because Castillo wasn't as good as Hearns.
Rest In Peace Diego Corrales Damn man, Corrales-Castillo 1 was a war that would make the old timers proud, I am also proud to have witnessed Corrales in that war live on Showtime
There was so little skill invovled in Corrales-Castillo I. You might as well have been watching Frank "The Animal" Fletcher against William "Caveman" Lee.
You're just being an ass, and a lot of posters can be asses once in a while, but your timing is just ridiculously idiotic :flip:
Sith v Monshipour MAY have been better, but Corrales v Castillo I WAS better than the most overrated 'classic' fight of all-time.
Corrales-Castillo 1 was the best war I've seen live on SHowtime, it had me on the edge of my seat in many a round and at the end, and had my complete attention, I wasn't even thinking about chips. drink or popcorn during that fight Sith-Monshipour I saw days later after hearing how good it was
Not to disrespect Corrales' death in any way but I didn't find his slugfest agaisnt Castillo very entertaining at all. Sure both showed bravery (allthough Corrales cheated at the end) but it was just a bit better version of Gatti-Ward. Hagler-Hearns was much more skilful action
Castillo-Corrales 1 is way better then Hagler-Hearns. Hagler Hearns had 1 good round. Corrales-Castillo 1 had 10. Do the math.
Corrales Castillo. Far more drama. It was a brutal first round, hearns landed some good shots etc, but after hagler got cut he basically just battered him and took him out in the 3rd round. Maybe it was the best 3 round fight ever, but not the best fight ever.
Hagler/Hearns was barely a fight. A competitive first round, then Hagler just kicked Tommy's ass for the next 2 rounds. How exactly does this qualify as a great fight? Corrales/Castillo at least was more action packed and had momentum shifts.
Hagler vs. Hearns wins this one. Anyone that says Corrales vs. Castillo involved "so little skill," as one idiot put it, is absolutely insane.
i know you'll cite conventional wisdom as proof that i'm wrong, but in my opinion there was more skill on display in Corrales-Castillo I than there was in Hagler-Hearns. Hagler-Hearns was like a bar-room brawl with nothing being set up. Castillo/Corrales on the other hand was fought largely with short and accurate punches, with both guys working to time the other and set up their combinations.
Castillo vs.Corrales I.... I never got all the hype about Hearns vs. Hagler, i guess you/we had to see it LIVE when it happen...but watching it years after the fact(like me) just doesn't hold up.
Corrales-Castillo 1, UNDOUBTEDLY. Not even close. Hagler-Hearns was basically just about the 1st round. Chico-Castillo had 10 rounds with virtually the same action and an INCREDIBLE ending!
Corrales-Castillo I. Maybe my opinion would be different if I saw Hagler-Hearns live and it being a megafight. Corrales-Castillo still had more rounds of sustained action, regardless. Round 8 was on par with round 1 of Hagler-Hearns, and round 8 wasn't even the best round of that fight. It was more closely contested throughout than Hagler-Hearns.
On one side you have idiots only liking fights if there's blood streaming from the fighters but on the other side you have snobs who are just as dumb who call a violent fight a skillless brawl just because a lot of punches were thrown. They're equally ridiculous IMO. As for the question, no doubt Corrales Castillo 1 was a better fight. This fight was less hyped though so I can understand those who watched Hearns Hagler live and prefer it because it clearly matched the huge hype.
I would have to go with Corrales / Castillo 1 simply because it lasted longer - giving us more to soak in and appreciate ...
I agree. I've seen a lot of fights better than Hagler-Hearns. But as I said before, Hagler-Hearns might be higher on my list if I had seen it live.
Corrales and Castillo showed plenty of skill fighting on the inside. It was way more skillful than Gatti-Ward.