REED likes the VIOLENT,Come from Behing KO's vs. Freitas & Roberto Garcia... If Chico had NEVER Faced Castillo,he'd likely B DEFINED by the 2 Fights REED just Noted... U'll B MISSED,Chico...Thank GOD for Videotape... REED:blobbox:
My favorite Chico fight was the Manfredy beatdown. That first lefthook he dropped him with was a thing a beauty. Manfredy made no mistakes, his right glove was properly positioned but the hook landed flush anyway. Great shot.
The Manfredy fight was great as well. Even when he fought John Brown that was a cool fight. His fight with St Claire was pretty good. He had a couple of ones on Fox early on that were good too. Diego was guaranteed to give the excitement. His two most 'boring' fights were the re and rubber matches with Casamayor, which were still entertaining in their own right. Fucking life.
I agree. It looked early on that Justin had a real shot in there, but ultimately the power and relentlessness of Diego was just too much.
didn't he K Fullmer TFO too? his fight with Garcia was definitely his best, outside of the first Castillo fight. he absorbed mad punishment but was never discouraged. and by the fifth round, you could tell that Garcia was fkd. his first fight with Casa was pretty damn good too!!! and let's not forget. even though Clottey beat him pretty good, it was still a competitive fight and very very entertaining. Definitely the best fights on Showtime this year. what's too bad is that it said in the news that Corrales had been having financial problems. that just isn't right. a guy who did what Corrales did should've had all the money he needed. i betcha Shaw fuckin ripped him off.
Loved watching Chico smoke Gainer. I did not like Derrick Gainer. I also liked the Manfredy,Freitas and Juuko fights.
I love the manfredy beatdown, it's hilarious. Manfredy wobbling around the ring on jelly legs and Chico patiently stalking and whacking him with powershot after powershot. It really did look like a man slapping around a child.
His title winning effort against Garcia. I remember thinking, "damn, this guy is getting f*cked up!" He beat the sh*t out of Garcia the last couple rounds.
I have the following fights in my library: Corrales vs Gainer, Garcia, Manfredy, Mayweather, Juuko, Casamayor I and II, Freitas, Castillo I and II I remember after the second round, Garcia asked his trainer and father, should he step it up and test this guy. Terrible mistake, he opened up on Chico and got hurt and it went downhill from there. First title ever won by Chico. Manfredy was just a BRUTAL beatdown. Corrales apologized to his wife ringside. I have to admit, I never rooted for the guy and my least favorite fight was the one with Freitas. Today I only watch the first 7 rounds. Was happy after Castillo II but today my SADNESS is greater...
1. Roberto Garcia 2. Justin Juuko 3. Acelino Freitas 4. Joshua Clottey 5. Jose Luis Castillo II 6. Angel Manfredy That damn Jay Nady robbed us of seeing a better ending.
Yeah that was the first live boxing match I ever went to and it was awesome. I'll never forget when Corrales hit him with a left hook and he fell back like his shoe laces were tied together.:bears:
When there was talk of Corrales fighting Mosley at 147, he said he would NEVER fight Shane. Apparently they are the best of friends. Sorry. Were. It was Shane who was luring Corrales to Golden Boy. As part of management and with Oscar approval, they fronted a lump sum signing bonus which Chico used to pay back taxes. After the contract was ruled null and void because of Gary Shaw, Mosley agreed for Diego to sign a promisory note that he would pay when he could. Their families were close.
My favorite Chico fight will always be his slaughter of that worthless whiney CUNT Angel Manfraudy. In fact, I'm bout to pop it in and watch it now. Making bitch ass Fruity quit was also a thing of beauty. But his best overall performance was definitely the Manfredy fight.
Corrales-mayweather, corrales-Castillo II and Corrales-Casamayor I were my favourites. He got slapped good
If Chico never faced Castillo, he would probably be defined by his loss to Floyd IMO. I love his fight with Freitas... and the 1st with Casamayor.
Hell no. I just never liked Chico as a fighter, yet his willingness to go forwards combined to his poor defense made for good beatdowns that are entertining to watch. Corrales as a person or his tragic death have nothing to do with this
Seriously man, if you don't have anything postive to say about the man the day after he dies then save it for a few days.
This thread was about his fights and him as a fighter which I think is completely different from his personal life. In the other thread I said his death was sad and that I hope his family is well, both of which I meant. But whatever, I'll shut up about this