Who did Trinidad beat that makes you think he could beat Mayweather? Trinidad was utterly befuddled by everyone he faced who could box.
De la Hoya was running a lot more than Mayweather does, and he easily outboxed one-dimensional Trinidad for nine rounds.
You're a shithead, that fight was 147. Trinidad was weight drained at 147, and still touched tired Dela Joto enough for him to run during the championship rounds. At 154 Trinidad was way more stable, a bit stronger, and would be on Mayweather's ass all 12 rounds, not just occasional flurries.
Tito CANNOT beat a fighter that moves constantly, is elusive and very smart in that ring. Doesn't matter how hard Tito hits...he's simply not going to hit Floyd enough.
Yeah, but who did fight at 154 that we could use as a basis of comparison for a matchup between the two? Trinidad mostly fought guys who'd stand right in front of him. He faced a boxer, and he lost.
You're still a shithead, he never lost at 154. David Reid was a cutie type boxer and got mauled. Mayweather is a lot slower at 154 too.
Aaaah, so Trinidad beats Mayweather because he beat David Reid?!?!? The fight was relatively even in the first six rounds, but Reid simply didn't have the stamina to make it as a pro.
It wasn't stamina issues with Reid, he went 12 with Boudiani fairly easily and dominantly, it was his heart. Trinidad took everything he had left in him and utterly destroyed his career. Reid was a solid pro before Trinidad ruined him.
Really then what caused Reid to fade late against Robert Frazier, James Coker, Kevin Kelly, Kirino Garcia and Sam Hill?
I can tell you've been jacking off to boxrec again Zac. He didn't fade against Coker, Kevin Kelly, or Frazier he won those bouts handidly. He was already shot by the time he fought Garcia. You're a shithead for even bringing up the Sam Hill fight.
He sure as hell didn't beat Kelly easily. I thought he won, but a lot of people thought Kelly won it by sweeping the late rounds. Against Coker, he was so out of it late that Coker - A USED CAR DEALER - sent him to the canvas twice. And you didn't see the Frazier bout if you're trying to say he didn't fade late.
I saw the coker bout and those knockdowns were off-balance shit that shouldv'e been called slips. Stop being a boxrec whore it makes you look stupid. :shit:
More importantly, Hoya was at his absolute peak then... he wasn't the shopworn, lost-2-of-his-last-3-fights version that Mayweather fought. Normally I'd pick a fighter of Mayweather's style and skills to beat Tito, but it doesn't bode well that he was so ultra-tentative against a semi-shot fighter who has little else other than power at this stage in his career. There's a good chance this fight could look like Tito-Whitaker, with Floyd's ducking and jiving giving Tito problems and keeping him from being accurate, but simply too overwhelmed by Tito's handspeed and power to do anything BACK to Tito to rack up any points. Tito by UD.
That's a good point, I see Mayweather doing worse than Whitaker actually, and probably getting hurt a few times and running away to lose a wide decision.
i'd have to go with Trinidad in this one. especially considering his jab, which was very effective, and that unlike ODH, he used consistently.
My pick would be Trinidad with his size and accurate punching. Then again, I can see Floyd using his legs a lot, going at angles, leaping in with the straight hand (which Tito was vulernable to), and bicycle his way to a dull decision over Tito who will fight dumb and look like a zombie coming forward.
154? You mean Tito's best weight and Floyd's 5th weight class where he just fought his first fight and came in weighting just 150? Sure.. I'll take the much bigger fighter. Make it P4P and I'll laugh at anyone who picks Tito.
tito was better than oscar at 154. he also has better offense and was stronger than oscar. i'd say he would've knocked mayweather out. floyd's lucky that fight w/ wright fell through. wright would've whupped his ass and might even have stopped him late.