Mosley is a little too brawl-happy and less effective on the backfoot/lateral movement than guys like Hopkins and De La Hoya. And he's not a guy like Winky with the great guard defense. Tito would probably rise from an early KD and gradually get to Mosley and win a decision, maybe even stop Mosley. Good fight.
Mosley dosent have what it takes to beat a prime Trinidad. Winky and Hopkins had great defense and a strong jab and had the TALENT to pull off the fight plan for 12 rounds! Mosley likes to mix it up way too much and that gets him KTFO. Tito TKO 11 Mosley
At 147, I'd give it to Tito by wide decision or late stoppage. At 154 it would be a brutal massacre. Mosley might get hurt bad.
This is Actually one of the better MM's .... People will always have their picks but IMO it could go either way ... I could see Mosely jumping in and out without get caught with anything hard. On the other hand I could see Mosely brawling with the wrong person and getting KTFO ..
Trinidad knocks Mosley down a couple of times en route to a UD. I see Shane dominating early on with his speed, then Tito coming back in the middle rounds. I think down the stretch both guys give it their all and land some head snapping shots, but Trinidad's power is the difference here and I think he'll get to Mosley late. Shane is a survivor and he'll make the 12 rounds but he'll be on the losing end of the decision.
I think this would be a fascinating fight, no doubt Tito’s got the power but if Shane boxed clever and used his speed he could get the decision. This would be a close fight in my opinion where either guy could come out with the SD. Does anyone think this could happen for real…what is Tito at these days?
Tito couldnt stop frail ass Reid, and took 12 rounds to stop Vargas, yet he'd stop Shane in 9? Your hate for Shane never ends. Tito wins this fight by DECISION.
Tito stops Shane's ass. The Reid fight is irrelevant, because Reid got on his bicycle and boxed. Shane doesn't fight that way. Also Tito would have stopped Vargas far earlier (HELL he almost stopped him in ONE round) if Fernando hadn't THUMBED him. So don't use those fights in this discussion...or sound ignorant. Using your Logic, Hearns should never have stopped Duran in TWO rounds..because he couldn't stop Barkley who was himself stopped by Toney and Benn. Styles, brother, styles!!
Shane got on his bike against Forrest when he was hurt. We're talking about a guy in Shane with much quicker feet, and better survival skills, and just better QUALITY than bum ass Reid. Also Shane is a much tougher man than you give him credit for, and if theres one thing he does have its a damn good chin. Tito's power was very good, but not Hearns calibre. He'd probably rock Shane a few times, especially late, but I dont see him putting him away. Shane's chin and recovery powers are too good, and Tito is one of the most overrated finishers ever. And this is NOT taking into account Mosley's handspeed and the fact that Reid's handspeed was giving Tito hell until he finally caught him with that hook. Mosley fighting Tito the same way he fought Hoya the first time would have an EXCELLENT chance of beating him. If DLH made Tito look slow, imagine what Shane would do.
I'm shocked! I can't believe that in 2007 people STILL think Shane could have ever fought the way Oscar fought the night he faced Trinidad?? Shane CANNOT fight that way. When are you going to realize that fast hands and "cute" antics...doesn't necessarily translate into master boxing? "If DLH made Tito look slow, imagine what Shane would do" De La Hoya only made Tito look slow because he was moving constantly and Tito needs an opponent to be stationary before he feels comfortable throwing. When De La hoya used a similar style against Shane in the return match...he looked faster than Shane also...lest you forget. And gimme a break about Shane being able to take Tito's punches. You act like he's Marvin Hagler or something. Forrest...who couldn't put a dent in Mayorga in two fights, almost had Shane OUT! Trinidad certainly put a dent in Mayorga and ruined his chin forever... Bottomline: Shane DOES NOT box and move like a classic boxer (for more than the first couple of rounds). It's not his style and he simply can't maintain it. He's a slugger with fast hands, and fancy little (largely ineffective) movements. It's wasn't REID's handspeed per se that troubled Tito, anymore than Hopkins' or Wright's handspeeds troubled him (neither are blazing fast) was the style he used. After two rounds against tito, Shane will be stationary and engage in warfare. Tito will crucify him.
I Got Trinidad on this one Taking nothing from Shane, I just think that Trinidad would catch up to Shane with a knockout punch before the end of the fight...I think Shane would be winning on all cards up until Trinidads power eventually changed the fight....I am a very big Trinidad fan, but I am being honest as well. Trinidad KO from the 3rd round on.
You said it! Shane is not a defensive boxer and that is the key to beat Trinidad. You need a boxer who can pull off a defensive game plan for 12 rounds. Thats not Mosley's style. Let him try that power boxing shit with Tito :: I have great respect for Shane but this is the wrong opponent.
Can you EVER come up with an original thought, or shall you forever just repeat what others have said?
So you need to be a defensive fighter and stick to a plan to beat Trinidad? And you don't need that vs. Mosley? The same style of fighter beat him too, only size played a much bigger factor in Shane's losses than Trinidad, who was simply outskilled, outquicked and outwitted. Shane knocks Trinidad out quick.
Shane at 147 and 154 hasn't knocked out any A-list caliber opponents. He knocked out shot Vargas only after struggling for life and death the first time around. Tito is no Estrada, Trinidad would beat Mosley by death. doubt about it Yea, he would punish him, he would've ended his career......Trinidad made alot of fighters start a career training other fighters instead of getting back in the ring themselves!! But Shane is great, dont get me wrong...big Felix fan over here!!
Your describing Shane as if he's Campas or something. Shane was never a defensive genius, but in his prime he had good enough footspeed and reflexes to where he certainly wasnt a stationary target. Your envisioning a scenario in which Shane just stands toe-to-toe and bangs with Tito like slow footed Vargas was forced to do. But Shane was quick enough to get off combos on Tito, and jump back out. Of course he'd take shots, but his chin is more than solid. The Forrest right hand that hurt him was a PICTURE perfect right hand bro. That shot would have layed Tito on his back, yet Shane recovered from it. If nothing else, that fight proved how good Shane's chin was, cause the uppercut that dropped him was absoloutely BRUTAL, and Shane got up from it. He could take Tito's shots. Also, Shane isnt the most intelligent fighter in the world, but he's not a dumb fighter either. He wouldnt be retarded enough to stand in front of Tito. He'd certainly use his legs, and attempt to box, and with his handspeed he'd give Tito HELL! I'll repeat, at 147 this a pick em.
Good point, but the main thing that made the punch so effective was the fact that Shane never saw it coming. Other than that shot the guys chin has been granite. Still I think Tito beats him.
Look, Mosley is a good guy, a talented fighter, and certainly capable. But Tito at 147-154 was a killing machine. Mosley has never fought a guy who could hit like that ever at 147-154. He would get mauled and destroyed. Why would you guys want Mosley to get hurt like that? :dunno:
It's not a guaranteed win like you're saying. Odds are Tito beats him, but then that's why they fight the fights. Who's to say Shane's unable to stand up to Tito's power the way B-Hops did, both have shown about the same calibur of chin consistency. To be honest, had this fight been offered in his prime, being a Shane fan I wouldn't have wanted him to take it. As a fight fan though, I would have loved to see the outcome.
Mosley's defense gets underrated because his offense was so impressive. Watch his defense in Winky II and Oscar I. That would be more than enough to beat Trinidad, who would fold late.