this will be an exciting fight. Even as horrible as Hatton has looked I think Castillo will force him to fight. Hatton has what it takes to brawl he just had a poor attitude and preparation the last couple of fights. Same with CAstillo I think he will look better against Hatton. This fight will bring the best from both guys regardless of how they look agaisnt other oponents. :cheer:
Its just...that...after the watershed of unbridled violence that was Mayweather-DLH, we figure that its all pretty downhill from here.
This is Along REED's Line of Thinking... REED Doesn't Think Castillo will ALLOW Hatton to "Stink" him Out...Unless Hatton's CLEARLY the Stronger Man,as U Said... REED
Castillo is Fraud's 'left over' wtf?...:: ....Castillo won the first fight by 4 points, Fraud stunk out the rematch to make up 2 of those points,... Castillo still WON overall. 2 up.
I'm surprised you think it'll be exciting. Anytime Hatton fights a strong, come forward opponent he turns into the white Ruiz. Even back when he fought Tackie years ago, he hit and held his way to victory. Castillo is a helluva lot better than Tackie though. I still maintain my original prediction, Castillo stops him late.
Can't predict a winner but I'll say that this will be 'Fight Of 2007'....a true 'barn-burner! :bears:
I think it will be a close battle but I think Castillo will beat him. But somehow I don't see Hatton losing a decision at home unless he gets his ass whiped. I say Castillo beats him and gest robbed. :warning:
.... Hatton don't like it to the body. I am not sure how he is going to fight this 1. If you hold Castillo he will still hit you to the body.
my bad I thought the fight was in England. I swear I though I saw both Hatton and CAstillo promoting the fight in Manchester. :dunno: If it's on Vegas than Castillo won't get robbed. :cheer:
... If anything the location should favor Castillo if enough mexicans support him. Interesting fight even if it's not getting much attention. I am tired of Ricky Ruiz I will root for Castillo :blobbox:
Tackie's corner should have stopped the fight. Hatton brutalized him, just like the Vince Phillips massacre.
it'll be interesting opcorn: i'm most curious to see who's strongest, then who's strongest down the stretch of the fight ________ HARLEY-DAVIDSON S-125
I think this could be the next 'Benn - McClellan'....'Eubank - Watson'...'Mancini - Kim'...'Owen - Pintor'.... opcorn: opcorn: opcorn:
I'd be rooting HEAVILY for Castillo. A win further enhances Floyd's legacy! But alas...I see Hatton winning this fight by decision or otherwise.... I just cannot envision a scenario in which Castillo wins this fight.
I also hope Castillo DOES Ricky "the quite man" ruiz. But I doubt it. depends if the quiet man can get away with what he was doing against urango. hit hold hit hold hit hold get hurt hold hit hold hit hold get hit hold etc.
if it is, it's only because Hatton is involved. Castillo's never been in a boring fight, IMO. Hatton, on the other hand, is almost always. Especially when he's fighting non-no-hopers, which Castillo clearly is.