Tarver ruined Rocky 6. He didn't even train for the role. Was watching it on ppv yesterday and he had rolls and saggy skin all over. F*ckin' joke! Bad choice by Stallone.
you don't just fatten up and become a HW. Tarver looked like absolute shit in that movie. That movie itself wasn't that bad though. Slightly entertaining.
someone should just publish a standard script for fighters that have rededicated themselves and gotten back with their original trainer. more often than not, it's more about money and the fact that their last trainer was taking too much of it.
My hate for Tarver is going. He didn't appear the jackass he used to be in that interview. I guess the Hopkins humiliation humbled him.
He should've at least trained for the role, the way Lundgren, Stallone, Mr.T and Carl Weathers all did. Afterall, this is a ROCKY movie. Even Stallone came in ripped, despite being 60.