I mean seriously, I just read he's supposed to be fighting Ouma on the Hopkins-Wright undercard. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Smith just lose his last fight to some nobody? What is it about this guy that makes him so interesting? I mean he's starting to get Rahman like multiple oppurtunities and for what? He sqweeked by Corley in a fight that could have gone either way, and was a mere contender on the "Contender". What is it with this guy? Ouma's going to molest him.
.... Smith beat Randall Bailey not Demarcus Corley. I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like he is getting title shots. He's meant to be a safe fight for Ouma.
I know and that's just it, he just came off a loss hasn't ever done shit and here he is again fighting on a PPV undercard that will get televised. He must have really made a name for himself on the contender.
Thing I hate about Smith is how fucking boring he is. But we should be happy. Ouma will give him a slow and methodical beating over the distance.
I don't know why people care. First off, IF he accepts the fight, he'll be on the B-Side of the billing, and probably won't receive any more than $75,000 for the fight (probably closer to $50,000). Second - how many people actually plan on ordering this PPV? I'm fans of Wink AND Ouma, but Wink-Hopkins and Ouma-Ishe is not my idea of $50 wisely spent
Why? He's a spoiler; an annoying ass. Damned talented to be sure...but we need more featherfisted southpaw spoilers in boxing like we need a hole in the head. I want him DESTROYED!! War Hopkins!!!
With all the talk of Tito fighting Taylor Tito should demand a tune up if he is seriously gonna take that fight. Nobody better to tune up against then Ishe Smith.
a few years ago they talked shit about each other over at b-talk, I believe. I'd like to see it. Loser must change his last name. :crafty: :cheer:
That's exactly why he's being used. He's a safe in house fight for Golden Boy. Like him or not; the common house wife recognizes him, and he's an pefect fix for a come-back fight for Ouma. I also think that Powell is not a nobody. Smith/Powell could have went either way. It was a bad style match-up and Smith in his defense looked dehydrated. :dunno:
seriously that fools is unwatchable. The last fight he had was one of the worst I've ever seen. I guess like Lb 4 LB I can't stand the guy because of how much hype he gets. Btalk gives him alot of exposure and him signing with Goldenboy all this shit for a mediocre fighter. I actually had never seen him fight until his fight with Sechew powell. I already knew powell was mediocre at best so I expected to see something from Smith and it was about who was the worst between the two. After how little money GB spent on the Floyd/Oscar undercard I figured they would spend a little more on the Winky/HOpkins card. Specially to help the ppv sales since neither of them two are a big draw and the fight itself is not attracting at least not likely to be exciting. I think Ishe is terrible and to put him on an undercard that needs exciting fighters to help sell the main event it's crazy.:doh:
Smith is far from garbage, he's a very talended fighter, he could have beaten Powell easilly, but he has to fight with more passion. Ouma's so overrated it's not even funny, I wouldn't be surprise at all if Smith pull the upset.
i have to disagree. he's not talented. not overly. and he's certainly not skilled. he's what you call a "hack." other hacks: Mora Raheem Oquendo