Its on or is it ?? Early predictions..? Calzaghe for me.
It's not on, he's full of shit as usual, and he won't fight him. In a mythical matchup, Kessler by UD.
daniels is an absolute penis. but he made me laugh a lot when he did the wife swap and got vanessa feltz and just ignored her. haha.
I'll wait not only until after the contracts are finalized, but until the weigh-in before I get too excited and anxious over this matchup.
BBC: "I just hope that Palle backs up his offer. We sent him an e-mail on Tuesday along with a fax confirming what the terms were and we've not heard from him since," said Warren. wow, an email AND a fax. he used TWO different methods of business communication - this must prove once-and-for-all that Slappy isn't a chickenshit. maybe palle should check his emails. he probably saw the fax, but thought that the machine had cut off a few of the zeroes from Warren's offer.
When I see Kessler throwing flurries at Calslappy on the ropes, then I'll believe this fight is on. When Calslappy is left drooling on the canvas on all fours, then it's for real. Until then it's complete shit rumors.
If it does happen, it better not be in England, after that last "fight" with Manfredo, I wouldn't want to see HBO broadcast anymore of that crap.
Mikkel will beat the shit out of Calzaghe and take his rightful place as P4P#1 in the world :bears::cheer:
Has HELL Frozen Over???...Is the FAT Lady Singing???... Until THEN,Don't ASSume ANYTHING N Regards to Calzaghe... REED:nono:
I will bet TKO a sig bet this won't happen before Joe fights at least one more gimmie fight. Probably Froch. Warren will claim Kessler didn't want the fight, blah, blah, blah. The best part is the British faithful will slurp it all up as they have for the last two decades. Like I have said before, Eubank was Joe's legit fight for the 90's, Lacy was for this decade. We have to wait until 2010 for Joe's next legit fight. Be patient.:nono:
Calzaghe: I fight in Denmark Kessler: I fight in Britain These two have a communication problem. First they don´t want to fight away from home, now neither wants to fight at home. ::
my guess is neither one wants to fight the other. what they both want is frequent appearances on TV in which they're paid well. apparently, they can both pull this off without ever facing each other. therefore, they will never fight but will continue to claim that the other is ducking them.
I don't see what a lot of you do in kessler. I've seen a few of his fights, he's ok, but nothing special at world level. I think calzaghe beats the fuck out of him. He's better than Abraham, but not good enough to beat calzaghe.
i don't see what everyone sees in Calzaghe. in 10 years he has no better a resume than Kessler does. i think Slappy's unwillingness to fight the best has us all wondering, is he really as good as "some" people seem to think he is?
It´s okay, we have already accepted that you struggle with talent evaluation. Kessler has beaten better fighters than Calzaghe in the last three years and more convincingly, so how did Calzaghe prove his speciality at the world level lately. Was it stinking it out for 12 rounds with a mediocre middleweight dwarf like Ashira, or kissing the canvas against the very dangerous Kabery Salem. :: ::
Calzaghe's resume is poor for his length of reign, there is no doubt. None at all. And fuck, I am hardly a fan. Ask the other Brit posters if I am a calzaghe fan. I have never supported him, but never really been a hater either. The guy can fight, there is no doubt about it. Slappy or not, he is a tough bastard and he can fight. Who has kessler beaten that eclipses calzaghe's best opponents? So far he hasn't even beaten anyone on eubank's level, even at the time calzaghe fought him. Don't get me wrong, kessler is no bum, he's just not that good. A decent world champ, nothing more. If it happens, Calzaghe batters him.
That makes no sense. Because Abraham could beat Calzaghe. Surely anybody that defeats Miranda is the greatest of all time, no? Thats the Pavlik formula methinks.
I'm not exactly a Calzaghe fan, but the facts are as follows... Like him or loath him Joe is the best super middleweight boxer around at the moment. If the Kessler fights does happen Calazghe beats him up, I have no doubt about that.
Two nice additions to the squad, I havent seen much of them but by all acounts they seem to be the real deal, we need to do something fast...the russians are hot on the tail of alves. You know those boxes we spoke about, well NTL changed the access codes, it took a whole 20 mins to get the new codes. ::
He'll rape Calzaghe, people cannot possibly make a comparison between Kessler and Lacy, that's just fucken stupid, Kessler does everything well, and he's barely lost a round in his entire career, Kessler's hands are fast, and his combination punching is something Calzaghe could only ever dream about, he doesn't have that psuedo showman handspeed either, his fists are definitely closed and his punches are definitely straight, accurate and hard, his jab is superb, his footwork is superb, he's more consistant and more adaptive against different styles, his tactical ring intelligence is brilliant, he's the real deal as far as I can see, and he's going to have an answer for Calzaghe no matter what he does, Joe may be better known and more 'popular' but that doesn't transcend into being a better fighter,..I don't know what Calzaghe apparently does better than Kessler,...I don't see a single thing? :dunno: .
Calzaghe is hardly popular...but anyway Kessler is a good fighter so lets hope they make this fight happen.