Not remotely tam, and if you disagree, you are stupid. Eubank, I have never liked him, I am good friends with his brother, even his brother dislikes him. But he is underrated, the guy could fight, I mean shit - even his last fights against the cruiserweight Thompson, he showed he can fight. Who the fuck has kessler beaten? Please don't say mundine, who sven took out by the way, and kessler couldn't. Calzaghe would stomp mundine. Thobela? Who also should have been a stoppage win? Julio Green? Markus Beyer? Or maybe you're thinking of Andrade? :: Like I said before, Calzaghe's resume, for his length of reign, is pretty pathetic really - but it's still better than kessler's. And like him or not, slappy IS the best super middleweight. I used to be a hater, and I am certainly not a fan now, but he can fight - there is no doubt. And the more kessler fights I watched recently, including his last couple, I have no doubt calzaghe would beat him. So what makes you think kessler would beat him? And how is kessler's resume better? Kessler is robotic and doesn't even hit as hard as his big danish arms would indicate.
They come from Portugal. I'm sceptical. PS Hicks announced on Radio City {some show in England I believe} that major signings are imminent. As for Alves, I've gone cold on the lad. Price is waaaay too high at this stage. As for NTL.... Doesn't surprise me. How did you get the codes. PM rush. Cheers.
Thats exactly whats going on - Kessler said today, that he'd rather fight in the UK, for a larger purse - than for a smaller purse in Denmark.
I have to disagree on the last part. Kessler is actually one of the more technically proficient fighters in the sport. I do agree, though, that he's approaching the point of being overrated, though certainly through no fault of his own. The media's been cutting for him for a minute, but his resume isn't really anything more than decent at the moment.
The only reason he is on the verge of being overrated is because Joe won't fight him. Kessler has called him out, owns two belts at the weight that Joe claims to be king, yet Joe still talks of fights with Froch. Joe is a disgrace. Brits should be raising hell to see him fight Kessler, they should be expecting him to fight kessler, but they don't. They just continue to slurp up his :shit: and praise him for fighting the Bika's and Manfredo's.:doh:
Who are these Brits? I don't think there's any Brit media who didn't regard the manfredo fight as anything other than a farce and let-down and like most-nonbrits they believe he has the talent but not necessarily the ambition to face the other elite, which makes him all the more frustrating...
Cheers Jake, he is indeed becoming overrated. I don't want to seem like I'm saying he's a bum, not at all, but people talk about him like he's a top 5 P4P fighter and a proven fighter with a resume etc. Far from it, but he's still a good fighter. By the way, by robotic I don't mean unskilled. He is technically proficient, without any glaring holes in his game, but his style is slightly robotic. Like vitali for example, who is robotic but still technically proficient.
dsimon writes: I read your "robotic" comment the way you intended. I see your point and agree. The real problem is nobody will know how good Kessler is until he fights Joe. And I don't want to sound like I am stating the obvious and making it look like a profound point but consider: Joe was smart as shit regarding Lacy... but the media bought the Lacy myth, so did I ::. I feel aprehensive about getting on any bandwagon for Kessler for this reason. Joe is a fighter who like Monzone has not actually shown any weakness in the ring if you think about it!
Guilty. I can't tell if Kessler is a top 5 p4p guy or a top 20. But he's 39-0, has fought 3 top 10 guys in his weight class, and hasn't come close to losing. He may be overrated by some these days (like mE), but just be thankful HBO isn't pushing him any harder. That's when it gets intolerable.
I don't find calzaghe particularly likeable myself, there is something about him I just don't really like. I much prefer hatton. And joe has been in some stinkers too. Objectively though, calzaghe is probably the better fighter, and I used to underrate him. I used to look at his awkward, slapping style years ago and think he was nothing special, and he'd get beaten anytime. He deserves a lot of shit for his resume, and plethora of postponements etc, but I have to say - he can fight. He's fast, his slaps are hard, he is tough, has decent stamina, half decent defense, good timing, good accuracy, can box a bit, he can just fight. I personally didn't hop on the lacy hype train, but even I didn't think he'd get handled that easily by calzaghe. I expect kessler to do a lot better than lacy if this fight is made, but I am pretty damn confident in calzaghe winning.
from fightnews: Kessler: "I'm more English than Calzaghe" Kessler has responded in an ITV Boxing interview saying he's willing to travel to England to fight Joe. "I haven't got any problem whatsoever with fighting Calzaghe anywhere in the world," stated Kessler. "Besides I'm more English than him," alluding to the fact that Calzaghe's father was born in Italy and his mother is from Wales. "My mother is from Salisbury," continued Kessler. "That must give me some fans, at least in England!" WAR KESSLER
still doubt that this fight happens. hopefully it does and if and when calzaghe wins, i'd say he's the best fighter in the world p4p and one of the best fighters of this generation.
if fight's in england, most of the spectators and PPV viewers in britain will be English, that's why he's saying it. he wants them to support him
After months of saying Calzaghe should come to Denmark and fight there, why is he coming out with all this stuff now that Calzaghe's agreed to fight in Denmark?
yeah good one, Joes 'agreed' to fight in Denmark. Warren was on Australian radio this morning offering Mundine $2mil to fight Joe in Enlgand. Wont happen, Mundine will counter offer knowing hed make close to 3 times that amount if the fight were held here and Joe will find some other scrub to 'defend' his titles against.
Sounds like what most of us expected all along....a bunch of trash talk and posturing with a slim chance of the fight actually taking place.
Same reason why Warren changed his 5 million $ offer to 3 million for Kessler to go there - They are both demanding more money, than the fight will generate IMO. :bears::bears::bears:
It doesn´t really matter where they fight. Denmark and England are within pissing distance anyway. I´m sure the crowd will be split 60/40.
Maybe he did. I actually think Kessler will destroy Joe, 3-4 rounds max. I felt Joe had absolutely no feel for distance against Manfredo. Sure he swarmed the poor bum in the 3rd round, but I think Kessler will just stand his ground and nail Joe repeatedly with straight bombs, when Joe comes in. Afterwards we´ll argue how good Joe and Lacy really are. :stir:
is there a date on this?( i can't believe I even asked the question, its Joe we are talking about.) what happened to him fighting Mundine? thought it was a done deal?:laughing: :laughing:
Do you think Andrade got better whiskers than Calzaghe? It's gonna be a rough night for both men, but Calzaghe will make it a war, forcing Kessler to trade, and that could be his demise.
I doubt Joe will make it a war once he sees a guy his height, size and strength firing tight combos inside his wide punches.
dsimon writes: Joe does not have wide punches. Check your reading glasses Muze, most senior citizen housing centers have a free "glasses checked" service, no questions asked.